chapter 3 nobody there

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Mark POV

I wake up suddenly with a gasp. My body is covered in sweat and my legs hurting and trembling, i feel as if i had run a great mile. I look around in panic. Lying next to me I see Caleb asleep in his swag. Whew only a dream, but why did it feel so real. I close my eyes picturing the cave wall and the wolf and the ferocious grey dragon. But the more i try to recall the dream the more distant it gets. Till i can only remember the wolf and the bright light coming off the mysterious object.

Hours later as the sky was just turning into a pale grey, the two boys were packing up their swags, when Caleb suddenly yells "SNAKE!!!"
"where is it" Mark screams and begins running in the opposite direction of Caleb, tripping on his shoe laces and landing in the grass hard.
"Ha ha ha" Caleb laughs his head off rolling on the ground, while Mark looks at him his face has red blotches with embarrassment. Caleb had just pranked him.
"oh i will get you back"
"sure sure" and with that they continued packing up in silence.

An hour later after a rushed breakfast. They mounted there horses ready to return to their village. As they neared the village their horses suddenly  began acting real jittery and weird.  Especially Marks stallion Prince, who was busy stomping his large, round hooves and throwing his handsome  head about, his orange mane blowing in the wind.  After around  half an hour or so the horse stopped trying to turn away from the city.  Though he was Covered in warm white foam and sweat.

Caleb POV

As we approach our city a feeling of unease takes over, i feel like the horses jittery. I go to say something to Mark but close my mouth, no reason to worry him over whats properly nothing. Instead i look at the horizon, we go over one last hill and we can now see the city lights shimmer in the distance. I pause "Mark"
"what" he replied
"can you here anything?"
"exactly, its the annual Mugalraph show, we should at least be able to hear music" 
"well lets go see whats going on. With that Mark kicks his horse into a gallop with me trailing closely behind.

They reach the village, but no one is in sight. The two boys look at each other clearly worried. The question on there minds is what happened? Their question is soon answered. On the door of the great hall is a note, pinned there by a grey dagger with the emblem of a dragon.
Written in an untidy scrawl is this. 
To Mark and Caleb we have kidnapped everyone if you wish to see them meet us at the top of the worlds highest mountain

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