Secret Liar

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Let me share a little secret
Truth be told I'm a liar
I'll give honest advice
And smile with genuineness
At the happiness that surrounds you
Sometimes I even help
Or grant that happiness
Don't take that joy for granted
Or one day the lies will reveal
Someone who just doesn't care
And wants to escape to that world only dreamed of
A crayon rainbow
Dependable friends
A wonderful partner
Let me share a little secret
I won't tell you if this was a lie
But I honestly don't care
And probably never did
But could you tell if I'm lying?
This little secret is mine, but I'll share it with you
I gave myself a purpose on this earth
To simply be used for a smile and kindness
Take advantage of it
Because while my help is genuine
Who knows if my disposition is
I'm a liar
Who shares little secrets
Those secrets may be true
But you're listening to a liar
I'll say I'm very happy
And things are going better
Is that a lie?
Well, maybe
Truth be told every morning I'm hit
Hit with a ton of bricks
Piled on my chest and stomach
There's a belt around my head
Tightening making my mind hurt a little more
But that's probably a lie
My lies are for a bit of attention
And a little affection
So no one knows my little secrets
Because I'm a liar
Even I don't know the truth

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