Chapter 3

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Jason POV

I was on my way home from Madie's house when Stacey called. I answered

"Hello" "Jase I miss you" "Stac what were we fighting over" "I don't know and I don't care" "Well do you want to get back together" "Yes Jase can you come over" "Of course I'll be there in a few minutes"

I then hung up and drove as fast as I can without breaking the speed limit. Ten minutes later I was parked in the parking lot of her condo. Once I was on the elevator my phone started ringing and it was Sarah. I answered

"Hi sis" "Hey Jase" "Um is there something you need because I'm kinda busy" "Oh no it can wait" "Are you sure" "Yeah I'm just in Vegas" "Cool have fun love you bye" "Bye Jase love you"

The elevator opened and I stepped out and walked to Stacey's door. I took out my keys and opened the door, and she jumped up and look startled.

She said "You scared me" "I'm sorry" "It's ok"

She walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged her tightly and picked her up. We started kissing when I finally reached the couch I sat and she sat on my lap neither of us breaking the kiss. I felt so happy and excited to finally have my girlfriend back in my arms and I hope it will stay this way. I finally realized that I need Stacey and my life would never be the same without her and I love her. I broke the kiss and stared into her beautiful eyes full of love and sprinkled with relief. Wait what was she relieved over? Oh well whatever I need to tell her.

I opened up my mouth and said "Stacey I have something important so I want you to listen very carefully" she nodded so I continued "I love you like a lot and you mean everything to me and I honestly don't know why we keep breaking up over the stupidest little things and I want that to stop so our relationship can move forward and get stronger when you were just in my arms I felt like I was in heaven and I like that feeling and I want it everyday so I'm going to ask you right now do you want to move in with me I love you a lot and I want all the meaningless break-ups to stop" I looked into her eyes again but this time they were full of relief and love. She finally answered by saying "Jase I love you a lot too and I would love to move in with you and when I kissed you I felt so much relief because it was a symbol for your love for me and now that you just told me that it just confirmed that the kiss was indeed a symbol and I also want all the meaningless break-ups to stop so I will do anything to make them stop I love you and I will risk anything for you"

I passionately kissed she wrapped her arms around my neck to deepen the kiss. I put my hand on the back of her neck to further deepen the kiss. We both pulled away breathless but with the biggest smiles.

Once my breathing was normal I said "Why don't we go to bed and in the morning we'll pack" She nodded and we went to her bedroom and fell asleep.

I woke up around 11AM and I smelled food. I guess Stacey is cooking breakfast. I got up and walked into the kitchen and once again she was startled. I walked over to her and kissed her.

"Jase I'm cooking you breakfast so we can start packing soon" "Ok I'll call Madie and Mikey to see if they can help" "Ok go call them now"

I went into the room to go get my phone and there was a text. I opened and it was from Mikey I read and it said

'I am going on a date with Diana and I plan on asking her to marry me so please do not call or text me or her until one of us calls you'

I smiled at the text and then called Madison.

Angie answered and said "Hey Jase what's up" "Hey Angie and nothing really are you guys doing anything today" "No my family went to spend the day at the beach why" "Because I was wondering from you can help me pack Stacey's stuff" "Awww you guys are finally moving in together that's so sweet and yes I would love to help" "Ok great around what time will you be here" "We'll be there in an hour" "Ok thanks" "No problem" Then I hung up

I walked back to Stacey and told her "Mikey is on a date with Diana and he's going to propose and Madie and Angie are coming to help us in about an hour" "Ok great"

Then we sat down and ate breakfast and once we finished Stacey started washing the dishes and I went into the room and went into her walk-in closet and grabbed three big suitcases and put them on the bed opened. Then I heard the door so I went to go answer it but when I got there Stacey had already opened the door and was hugging Angie.

"Hey Madie" "Hey Jase" and we did the guy handshake where we kind of hug. "Hi Angie" "Hi Jase" I hugged her and she hugged me back

Then I started walking into the bedroom and they followed.

"Ok so we're going start packing this room and the bathroom because these are the most important" They all nodded and we all started packing.

Around 3PM we were done with the bedroom and the bathroom. We would have been finished at 1PM but we all were joking around and laughing. We put two suitcases in my car and one in Madison's. We all drove to my house and when we arrived my Husky greeted us. Stacey picked him up since he was a puppy. Ashley loved King; he was like her baby.

"Ash don't we have to start unpacking" "Yeah but can't I hold my baby" "Ok fine but the rest are going to start unpacking" "Ok go ahead"

We took the suitcases and started unpacking. About 5 minutes Stacey came into the bedroom while we were unfolding some clothes and putting them on hangars

Around 5PM we were done and Madison and Angie had gone home. We were very tired and were just laying in bed watching TV. When Sarah calls me.

"Hey Sarah" "Hey Jason" she sounded worried and nervous. "Sarah what's wrong" "Um do you remember when I told you I was Vegas" "Yeah why" "Well I sort of woke up married" "YOU WHAT" "Jason please stop screaming" "What do you mean you sort of woke up married" "Well I woke up next to this guy and we both had rings on and when I noticed I freaked out and so did he and we found a marriage certificate on the floor so we knew it was real and we were legally married" "Oh my God Sarah what are you going to do" "I don't know" "Sarah how are you going to tell mom and dad" "I honestly don't know" "You know they're not going to be happy and even less happy if you get divorced or get an annulment" "I know so I guess I'm staying married yay me" "Yeah I guess you are" "Oh well bye Jase I'll call you later" "Bye good luck love you" "Thanks love you too"

I noticed Stacey was sleeping so I decided to take a nap also. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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