Chapter 12: A Blizzard in the Toilet

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(Before we start, I wanna thank Silver for the drawing. So kudos to you :D)

The room fell silent, the residents inside not knowing what to say

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The room fell silent, the residents inside not knowing what to say. Kiro sighs and puts his hands in his pockets. Jett scratches his head and looks up at the ceiling. Kukiko looks at Ria for help, but the sister simply shrugs and mouths, "Sorry, can't help." Aurora goes back to reading her book, though she was frowning as she did so. Helia went outside, claiming she needed to get some fresh air, though she probably just wanted to escape the awkward atmosphere. After a while, Kiro speaks up. "I'm not gonna give up. I'm going to find a way to train, no matter what." Ria shook her head and said, "You can't leave this house. I won't let you."

"Oh come on Ria. Do it for your sister." He pointed to Kukiko. "Think about her future."

Kukiko looks at him in confusion. "I think you're just over over dramatizing things. But he's sorta right Ria. I'd rather not be stuck in this house for three straight months."

Ria shook her head again and said, "Sorry, but as much as I'd like to, I can't. I can't just go against the Arch-Mage's orders."

"Screw the Arch-Mage's orders," Jett said. "Seriously, people at the school get into fights all the time. Why is our case different. Or, Kiro and Kukiko's case technically. But that's besides the point."

"Your case is different because you nearly killed Austin and Kira, and you caused massive damage to the park. Seriously," she looked at the two culprits. "You went completely overboard."

Kiro chuckled and nudged Kukiko. "Well I always make sure to bring a girl on an awesome first date."

Kukiko punched him hard in the face. "That wasn't a date. And even if it was one, I would consider it a failed first date."

"Ow . . . I was just joking."

"Haha. It was very funny. Better? Good. I'm going to my room now. Figure out a way to get us out please." She left and walked up the stairs to her room, slamming the door shut behind her. "You can go ahead and plot whatever you want," Ria said to the remaining Slayers. "But the moment you leave the house is the moment I go to Arch-Mage Maylin and report it to her."

"Eh, whatever." Jett shrugged and crossed his arms. "We'll deal with it when it comes."

"Yeah!" Kiro agreed. "I will break outta here!"

"Try your best then," Ria dared. She looked at them and smiled. "But it's your loss." Kiro looked at her challengingly before heading up the stairs and to his room. He closed the door, then lay down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. "How am I gonna get us outta here," he said to himself quietly. He began to think of various ways to sneak out of the house, some realistic and others just over the top. He balled his fists and closed his eyes. No matter how long it would take, he had to think of a way out. Deep inside, he felt responsible for putting the rest of his team in this situation. If he hadn't fought with Team 6, they wouldn't have been suspended and put in house arrest. So he had to come up with a way out to make up for that. After about an hour of thinking, he gave up and went back downstairs to get something to eat. The only one down there was Helia, who was sitting at the kitchen table eating a banana.

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