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A week has passed since the S-Class Promotion Test. Kiro was expecting to be treated like royalty or something because of how well he did during the matches. He got the complete opposite, meaning he was treated as he usually was. He'd do something on accident, then end up causing the entire class to spend half the day arguing with each other. On this day, he was just sitting at his desk trying not to cause trouble. It was second period, Slayer History. Mr. Silus called in sick and was replaced by a substitute. Of course, the substitute wasn't very good at his job and fell asleep at the beginning of class, so the students just did their own thing. Kiro eavesdropped on a few conversations to pass the time. "Dude, just do it," he overheard Austin telling Ketsu. "Come on, everyone knows you two have a thing going on, so just do it." Ketsu, whose face was bright red, shook his head and said, "N-No! W-We don't have anything going on, and we never have." Kiro chuckled. Ever since Team 1, besides Blizzard for whatever reason, decided to attend class more often, things have gotten a lot more interesting.

"Just do it man!" Haru encouraged. "You guys have been dating for like two months anyways. Everyone knows it." Ketsu shook his head again in denial. Barku sighed and said, "Stop being a wuss." He pushed Ketsu over to Luna, who was talking with Phoenix. "H-Hi Luna," Ketsu said nervously. Luna looked at him and smiled. "Oh, hi Ketsu. What's-" Before she could finish, Ketsu groped her and ran out of the classroom. Luna spent the next five minutes yelling at Austin and the others for coaxing Ketsu into doing that. Kiro laughed lightly and listened in on the conversation Leo was having with Katsumi. "No Katsumi," Leo was saying. "We aren't going to steal muffins from the bakery. How would we even sneak all of the muffins out?"

"Well," Katsumi answered. "I saw this one thing on TV where a man put drugs up his poop hole to sneak it on an airplane and stuff. We could put the muffins in your poop hole Aruji!" She smiled sweetly as Leo tried to comprehend that. Kiro continued to eavesdrop on everyone until Astra approached him and said, "So are you going to keep sitting there like a creepy stalker, or are you going to actually interact with people?"

"H-Hey!" Kiro complained. "I ain't a stalker! Besides, I don't wanna end up causing trouble. Like yesterday when I accidentally vaporized Sarah's shirt."

"Sure," Astra said as she sat down next to him. "'Accidentally.'"

"It was an accident! I'm not some perv."

"I find that hard to believe."

"Aw screw you." He frowned. "Anyways, what's up?" Astra shrugged and said, "Nothing, I just felt like talking. Besides, Nenji isn't here today."

"What am I, some rebound guy?" Kiro chuckled and punched her arm gently. "So, you and Nenji huh? Who would've thought that a shy guy like him could get a girl like you." Astra blushed lightly and said, "Well we just started dating, so things aren't set in stone. Besides, he's actually a really talkative guy if you know what to say." Kiro shrugged and said, "I guess so. Speaking of guys who aren't here, where's Blizzard? He never comes around."

"I don't know," Astra responded. "Probably out on a job." Kiro groaned and said, "No fair! How come he always gets to go on jobs! It's always just him."

"Actually, everyone in this class has been going on jobs. They just do it after school, and the jobs they go on are pretty easy, so it doesn't take them too long."

Kiro groaned again and threw his hands up in the air. "Oh come on!" He said. "You're telling me that everyone but my team gets to go on jobs? The fuck is this discriminative bullshit?"

"Oh quit your complaining. I'm sure the Arch-Mage will assign you guys a job soon."

Kiro grunted and leaned back in his chair. "She'd better, And not those easy jobs. I want jobs like the ones Blizzard gets. Y'know, those jobs that are super serious and take days to complete." Astra shrugged and said, "Who knows? Maybe there's something happening right now that the Arch-Mage will want you to look into."


In Arch-Mage Maylin's office, the Arch-Mage was sitting at her desk, a worried expression on her face as she read something on a scroll, reread it, then read it another time. Mr. Silus, who was not actually sick and was sitting on the edge of her desk, sighed and said, "Maylin, you've read that thing at least ten times. Reading it again won't change the fact that it's here." The Arch-Mage sighed and put down the scroll. "I know, Xavier," she said, "but still though. It's worrisome. I didn't think he'd find out that the book hasn't been destroyed yet so quickly." Mr. Silus shrugged and said, "Well it isn't that surprising, to me at least. Magmus . . . he's a smart one. It was bound to happen."

"Yes yes, I know. It's just . . . how? Only you and I know about what actually happened to the book."

"Look on the bright side. He doesn't know where the book is hidden, just that it hasn't been destroyed. At least I don't think he knows where it's hidden. So that's good. Still though, the fact that he knows that the book is out there means there's a spy in the school."

Maylin opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out. A spy within Slayer Academy was hard to believe since she personally knew everyone. After a brief silence, she said, "I think we should wait awhile until we do something though, when we have more information. For all we know, this may just be a bluff to distract us from an even bigger plot." Mr. Silus nodded and said, "Fair enough. But we should still be on our toes. Maybe send someone to retrieve the book before Magmus does. After all, when it comes to that book . . ." He stared down at the scroll. In large, black bold print in the middle of the scroll were the words: The Book of Xerxes is waiting. --Magmus.

*Hey guys! So that concludes Slayer Academy! For now at least . . . . (mwahahahah) Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it, and thank you so so much for reading it. I know there's been a few mistakes here and there, so any suggestions for improvement would be great! Don't be afraid to critique. I'll take it in a positive way. So yeah. Thanks again for reading, and look forward to further books that I may or may not publish!*

*P.S. If you haven't already, it would mean a whole lot if you checked out my other book, I Don't Like You. It's a lot different from Slayer Academy, but I personally feel like it's better in some ways. Thanks a bunch!*  

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