Chapter 25: The Demon

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Team 1 closed in on their surrounded opponents, confident that the match was over. Team 4 gritted their teeth and looked around at the four surrounding them, trying to come up with a battle strategy. Kiro made eye contact with his three teammates, then grinned. "We're just gonna wing it, right?" He asked to confirm. Jett smirked and said, "We don't have any better ideas."The four of them nodded in unison, then bolted towards their opponents. As Jett darted forward, Kukiko rolled over his back and towards Eva. Aurora dashed towards Ketsu, her sword already in her hand.

Kiro grinned and leapt high into the air, doing somersaults as he rose into the air. As he descended back to the ground, he faced the palm of his right hand forward and prepared for a palm strike. "Plasma Dragon . . ." As he landed on the ground, he extended his arm outward at the opponent in front of him. Squish. Kiro tilted his head and muttered, "Squish?" He looked at who he had attacked, the blushed while going pale at the same time, if that's even possible. Standing in front of him with clenched fists was Astra, whose face was as red as a tomato. Kiro's hand was firmly planted on her chest, squeezing fairly tightly.

The three other girls in the arena, Kukiko, Aurora, and Eva, looked at Kiro with a mix of shock and anger. The women in the audience, including Queen Eliza and Arch-Mage Maylin, were basically screaming in outrage, pissed off at the perverted Dragon Slayer. The boys in the coliseum all glared at Kiro in envy and jealousy. Except for Ren and Jett of course. They just shook their heads in disappointment. Kiro looked at Astra's face, then at her chest, then at her face again, and finally back at her chest. He squeezed again and said, "Wow, you are a LOT bigger than I thought you were. Real nice. And soft t--" Before he could continue on complementing the size of her chest, Astra uppercut him hard in the chin, sending the redhead flying into the air and crashing into the ground. "YOU PERVERT!" She yelled out as she covered herself with her arms. Before Kiro could get up, Eva, Kukiko, and Aurora marched over and started kicking him back down, putting aside their match to teach him a lesson. They shouted things at him like "You fucking dog!" Or, "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

After they were done ganging up on Kiro, the three girls stomped off, grumbling to themselves. Kiro stayed on the ground, beaten up and bruised. "I-I'm sorry," he managed to squeak out. Mr. Silus spoke into the microphone and announced, "That's one point for Team !!" The crowd murmured in confusion, and the Slayers down in the arena looked at each other with puzzled faces. Aurora looked up at Mr. Silus and shouted out, "How come Team 1 got a point? They didn't beat anyone!"

"Actually," Mr. Silus answered. "They got a point because Kiro," he pointed to Kiro was still on the ground, "was beaten by you, Kukiko, and Eva."

"Wait hold on!" Kukiko argued. "That's not fair! There was no rule about friendly fire. Or whatever."

"Ah well that's the thing. I said the rules were that when one Slayer is defeated, the other team gets the point. I never said that earning points through friendly fire wasn't a possibility. Besides, Eva helped out in defeating Kiro. So Team 1 did technically earn the point in a fair way."

Kukiko groaned and retorted, "That's bullshit!" Eva looked surprised, but wasn't complaining about the outcome. The other members of Team 1 tilted their heads, then shrugged and decided not to question it. The entire audience turned their attention to Aurora and Kukiko, who were looking down in embarrassment. Jett sighed and muttered, "Are you fucking kidding me . . ." After Kiro recovered from his beating, he got up and marched over to the two who had helped beat him up. "What the actual fuck?!" He said as he stopped in front of them. "I'll kick your asses for not only beating me up, but for giving the other team a point!"

"Aw shut up!" Kukiko snapped back. "Don't be a total pervert then!"

"That was an accident!"

"How do you accidentally grope someone?" Aurora asked as she crossed her arms.

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