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Isn't it funny how life never goes the way you plan? Well, it might not exactly be ha ha funny, but in some twisted way life has a way of throwing you a curve ball.

Scratch that. My whole life has been one fucking curve ball after the next. Sitting here on this rock overlooking the town that has become the start to a very screwed up chapter in my life. Yes, here in Georgeville (a town you will miss if you blink while driving through) it all began.

So I ask myself, if I had the opportunity to erase everything that happened down there, would I? I guess, that's why I'm sitting here, right? So that I can decide if all the memories are worth staying for.

The answer hasn't come to me yet. Maybe I don't want to decide. Because if I do, then it means I will either choose to move on with my life or I wait. Patient is something I have never been. And waiting for someone else, well, that just goes against everything I stand for.

This is why I hate the part of me that is nagging me to stay, because that part scares me the most. It is reason why I got into this whole mess. And yet, I'm glad I listened to it the first time. Because if I hadn't, I never would have met Jax Teller.

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