Chapter Five

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Why was she even hanging around him? How did this even happen? Yesterday was the first day she had seen him in a year and now all of the love she had for him has floated to the surface. Why do these things happen to her? Hasn’t she been through enough already?

She needed to stop thinking of herself. She had to think of Matt. As much as she didn’t want to, she had to.

There had to be something wrong with him that made him come back to Tennessee. Maybe it was to see her. Maybe it was to apologize to her. But maybe it was to break her heart again.

So many thoughts were flowing through her mind, while adrenaline flowed through her veins. She was getting frustrated just thinking of him and what he did to her.

  The Heartbreak

Darcy, who was dressed in her favorite sundress, walked into the diner. She was meeting with the guy she had been in love with since the day she met him that day in eight grade at that same place. Little did she know, it would be the last time they would meet up in a year.

As she stood by the door, she scanned through the bodies in the restaurant, searching for the love of her life.

There he is, she thought.

She walked, swaying her hips, over to the booth where he and a couple of friends (Adam, Ross, and George), that Darcy did not know were going to be there, sat.

“Hey, babe” Darcy spoke as she firmly placed her lips to his, although she noticed him slightly pull away from the kiss which she thought was strange, but more than strange, it was heart breaking. “You okay?”

“What? Um, yea” he was hesitant to reply, almost like as if he was thinking of something, or someone, else.

Darcy brushed it off.

“Hey guys, how are you?” she asked the group of friends that were also joining them.

None of them spoke, only giving her smiles and nods.

“Am I missing something here? Did I not get the message saying not to come?”

“Um, Darcy can I talk to you?” the way that Matt uttered those words made Darcy know that something was wrong.

She scooted out of the booth and he did the same. When they reached the front of the crowded restaurant where people entered, she spoke out, “If you’re going to break up with me just please do it already.”

“I’m sorry, Darcy…” He stayed quiet after he spoke, waiting to see her reaction but partially because he didn’t know what else to say. She stayed emotionless. She didn’t know how to take the news. The love of her life, the person she thought she would be with for the rest of her life, had just broken up with her. What was she to do? She couldn’t cry in front of all of these people.

But that’s exactly what she did.

She couldn’t stop the tears from pouring out. They just flowed, because it was the right thing to do, the only thing she could do.

As she cried in front of him for a minute, he brought his hand to her arm to rub it in a soothing way, something that only hurt her even more.

“Stop! Don’t do that!” she nearly yelled. She turned around and ran out of the opening of the restaurant. He did not chase after her.

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