Skeletron Prime

813 9 10

Type - Boss
AI Type - Skeletron Prime Head AI
Damage - 47 / 79 - 94 / 158 (while spinning)
Max Life - 28000 / 42000
Defense - 24 - 48 (while spinning)
KB Resist - 100%

                                                                      Tips and Tricks

- Standing on platforms far from blocks can mostly nullify the effects of the Prime Cannon, as its projectiles only detonate on blocks, while passing through platforms harmlessly.

- Skeletron Prime can be the most profitable boss in the game, as the Souls of Fright can be crafted into Naughty Present to summon the Frost Moon, netting large amounts of money per 5 souls.

- The bombs fired by the Prime Cannon will only detonate if they hit solid blocks.

- If the player is deep enough underground, Skeletron Prime will not spawn randomly, even when the chat message indicates it's coming.

- Skeletron Prime's arms are not immune to the Cursed Inferno, Penetrated, Celled and Daybroken debuff, however, its head is.

- Unlike Skeletron, Skeletron Prime's defense doubles when its head is spinning.

- Skeletron Prime can be defeated by only killing its head.

- If the player summons Skeletron Prime in space or forces him there, he will despawn almost instantly.

- The head of the Skeletron Prime is immune to most of the debuffs, except the frostburn debuff.

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