King Slime

1.7K 26 4

Type - Boss/Slime
Environment - Forest
AI Type - King Slime AI
Damage - 40 / 67
Max Life - 2000 / 2800
Defense - 10
KB Resist - 100%

                                                                                                 Tips and Tricks

- Because the King Slime can be harmed by lava, a good strategy is to use a lava bucket to make a long strip of land with a small amount of lava (shallow enough so items don't burn) and then make some widely placed platforms.

- The highest the King Slime can jump is 17 blocks

- If you want to come across King Slime early on in the game, build your house near the edges of the world where he can spawn frequently.

- King Slime behaves exactly like a normal slime, except that he jumps much higher and farther, and spawns other slimes as he takes damage.

- Magic weapons work well, since the blue slimes it spawns drop Mana Stars, which refill 100 mana each.

- King Slime can be a good way to farm Gel, for Flamethrower ammo and Asphalt blocks.

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