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aight, i'm finally doing this, tagged by ouikawa.

🌺 favourite movie?

scott pilgrim vs the world, tangled and the harry potter movies omg.

🌺 favourite book?

oh jesus. anaxandra, xanthe, die burgunderin. i think, that's it.

🌺 crushes name?

uh, my man crush is tim. he kinda always has been my crush.
and my woman crush is my bby thizzle and her name is too rare to post it on the internet, whoops.

🌺 favourite song?

right now i actually think it's flash mich by mark forster or violence by a day to remember.

🌺 favourite band?

fucc, i can't choose. i like lots of bands very much. uh, you me at six, anarbor or twenty one pilots, i guess????

🌺 favourite male artist?

as in musician? because that's gotta be either pete wentz or josh franceschi.

🌺 how old are you?

19, yooo.

🌺 favourite colour?

uh, i really like auburn and pastel pink at the moment.

🌺 favourite song lyrics?

oh shit, lemme think.

"we stayed bright as lightning, loud as thunder. we moved ever forward. we are not our failures, we are love."


"i'm not searching the sky for a reason to live, cause i found beauty right here, and the passion to give. so let me give you my heart, let me give you my tears, let me give you my life, let me give you my fears."

🌺 birthday?

the 23rd day of the third month of the year.

🌺 favourite instagrammer?

uh, i don't have one, tbh.

🌺 favourite female actor?

emma watson.

🌺 relationship status?

single and ready for pringles.

jk, i don't like pringles that much.

idek what i am, but i'm single for sure.

🌺 mood?

right now i'm kind of tired, but i'm listening to nice music, so i'm good.

🌺 shoe size?

uh, in eu it's somewhere between 38 and 41.

🌺 favourite show?

game of thrones and sherlock!

(((elementary is pretty great, too))))

🌺 favourite number?

3 or 7, i think.

🌺 favourite ice cream flavour?

idek anymore.
probably mango or melon.

🌺 phone brand?

sony, ayeee.

lmao, i am a mess. i cannot decide.

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