literally sick and tired + a lot of things

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i didn't really sleep well last night and i feel like all my energy has been drained. plus, i caught a cold thanks to my family. but my weekend was pretty nice. to be honest, it was one of the nicest weekend i ever had.

i felt really sick earlier in my english class and i felt like i had to throw up, but luckily that feeling has vanished by now. still, i'm probably not going to eat something proper today, because i don't feel capable of that, so i'm probably gonna bike over to the store and grab some ramen before making a spotify playlist and doing my homework for tomorrow.

also, my first class tomorrow is cancelled, which makes me happy because i'm gonna get 1.5 more hours of sleep, but also sad, because this is the second time my philosophy class is cancelled.

oh, i watched almost all harry potter movies this weekend and the only ones left are the two parts of deathly hallows and i'm really excited, because i'll most likely watch them on saturday or sunday and that's something i'm really looking forward to.


my spain vacation is barely over a month away and i don't know if i'm happy or terrified, because planes are one of the things that i'm scared to death of. also, i'm kind of sad, because my brother doesn't want to go to spain with us and that means that i'll be left with my mum and her boyfriend for 10 days and as much as i love my mum and as much as i like her boyfriend (he's a really cool bean), it's really exhausting to go somewhere with them, because sometimes it's really hard for me to get myself to get out of bed and they're gonna be all for day trips and stuff.

plus, we're going to stay in three different hotels, which will be tiring af. like, i was expecting gibraltar and not gibraltar, sevilla and malaga. do they want me to die?

but nevertheless, i'm excited anyway. despite my intense fear of planes and heights. i've never been to spain before, welp. i hope my mediocre spanish skills are enough for that.

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