Hullo loves *does British accent*
Haha well how's everyone?
The family?
Lol I'm bored xD
On with the story shall we?
Lunar's pov
I walk the halls as people start filling Into there classrooms.
'Even with my memory I don't know how to get all these places.'
'Once you find them you won't be late again'
'Ya ya ya whatever'
'Dont whatever me'
'I will whatever you whenever I want to'
'Oh ya?'
'Yup bitch I will'
'Look here missy, I may be female but I am no tame dog. I'm an-'
'Untamed wild wolf, you stole that from me'
'Yup slut I did'
'Slut? How am I a slut if I never even kissed anyone yet'
'Very true'
We both laugh inside are heads and I smile a little. When I'm pushed into lockers, losing my balance I fall to the ground. I get right back up and look to find the girl who greeted me in the hall earlier. I glare at her eyes going from a red from pain to black angry under the contacts.
'Fuck that hurt my shoulder'
'I hate her'
'I hate this bitch to. I'll rip out her throat if there weren't people around'
I want to growl at her, but I don't I act calm as she speaks "So you think your Luna huh?" I almost laugh, Almost. She get in my face "I will be luna so you better back off"Right now I can care less about this bitch I simply roll my eyes and push her weak ass away.
"Do you know who the fuck I am?" She's clearly angry and people start to watch coming out of classroom to see what's happening. "I'm Lindsey Stirling" (A/N- I love Lindsey Stirling with all my heart her music is wonderful not in any way shape or form does this mean I don't like her. This girl isn't even described how she looks an or acts ((as far as I know)) so please take no offense)
I start to walk away obviously not caring and or giving a shit about what the bitch says and she steps in front of me.
"Where the hell do you think your going?" She snaps at me
I say nothing my mouth stays shut
"What to scared to talk?"
'Ya right' I say in my head
"Answer me you bitch" I shake my head and walk around her again "you little piece of shit you'll listen when I talk to you. You will not keep going around telling everyone you are Luna or I will kill you" I snap eyes getting darker and darker.
'Did she just?'
'Oh yes she did'
'Permission to kill?'
'Kick her ass'
'On it. First I'll use words tho'
'Alright Luna'
This conversation in my head only lasts a few seconds in real life.
"Stop saying I'm Luna? What am I supposed to do change my name? Look back off before I show you who can kill who" I say it calmly as I push passed her again. She's in shock when she goes to hit my head while I have my back turned. I turn suddenly grabbing her fist stoping her attack
"I said back off" I say anger and venom laced in my voice as easy flip her over my shoulder and to the ground "now if you excuse me I'm going to go find my class" I say all to sweetly, venom still heard in my voice with a all to innocent smile to match it, an I walk away the crowd move out of my way.
'There scared'
'They should be'
'Well if fear keeps them away from me then so be it'
I walk finding my next class long after the bell rings
A/N- thank you all for reading!

Lunar (alpha x rouge)completed Unfinished
WerewolfThis story has strong language and maybe one day explicit content as of now tho there is none. It's my first story I love constructive criticism. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lunar who goes by luna. She is a 17 year old female. Shes different from t...