Second ever Nuzlocke (most likely fourth generation... Sinnoh is my childhood even though Cynthia will probably kill me)! Many rules... (sighs) Hope y'all enjoy my new idea of a Nuzlocke! (Also...
Possible Names: MassacreLocke (MassLocke), RemembranceLocke (RemLocke), ConfusingRulesLocke (ConfuLocke... jk, I was running out of ideas)
1. If a Pokemon faints, it is pronounced dead, and it must be permanently boxed (Not released! Wait for more rules for an explanation!).
2. Only the first encounter on each route is a catch-able Pokemon (Unless otherwise stated in following rules that you can't catch it... The rules get a bit spindly and confusing after this. Hope I haven't lost ya!).
3. EVERY caught Pokemon MUST be nicknamed.
4. Pokemon games that have Graveyards in them (Pokemon Tower, Burned Tower, Mount Pyre, Lost Tower, Celestial Tower) give you one free revive for any of your permanently boxed Pokemon (you can only activate this revive after you get to this place. There's even an encounter here... so cool!)
5. You must use a random number generator or an 18-sided die (if any of y'all for some reason have them...?) to determine the 9 types out of 18 that you will be using (even if this is in a generation before fairy types and you have to pick out of 17 types... you still get 9 types to choose with the die/number generator). (A picture of the order of the types will follow)
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6. After 5 Pokemon die, you may give your Pokemon held items.
7. After 10 Pokemon die, you may use TM's (HM's are an exception, you can use them before this amount of Pokemon die).
8. If a Pokemon dies in a gym battle (or multiple Pokemon die in a gym battle), you must name your newest catch after one of the deceased Pokemon's moves (A doozy here... Say, my Bulbasaur that knew Poison Powder, Razor Leaf, Stun Spore, and Vine Whip died. I caught an Abra afterwards and could nickname it... Razor, or Vine)
9. (Only applicable to Gen 6... and generations onward if y'all are reading this after November 18th) If a fairy type Pokemon dies, you may revive one of your dead Pokemon (LOZ! LOZ!).
10. If a Pokemon not of one of your selected types appears first, you may continue to encounter Pokemon on the route until you find one of your type.
11. If a Pokemon of your type is not available on the route, you may catch these types as placeholders (they still count as regular catches... they just won't fit with the rest of your team): Normal, Bug, and Grass.
12. The following types have 2 lives: Dragon, Dark, Fairy (If Fairy is unavailable in your game, replace that option with Fighting). If you do not have any of those types in your selection, these are the types that will have 2 lives: Fire, Steel, Ghost.
13. You can only choose one of the above 3 types to have 2 lives.
14. You can only have one of the 'two lives' typed Pokemon on your team at any time.
15. HM slaves are allowed, no battling with them though (DUH!).
16. (This entire rule is basically a free catch) If you catch Ditto, you can catch it even if it isn't one of your types. You get to catch another Pokemon after this, no matter what type it is as well. Ditto may be used only after the Pokemon you caught with it dies.
17. You cannot let a Pokemon intentionally die (EX- Leaving a Pidgey out against a Pikachu. You get the idea everyone.)
18. You can pick whichever starter you like regardless of its type and the types you have selected.
19. Substitution types for caves: Ground, Rock, Steel (since I didn't pick rock or ground those are substitution types for me at caves)
Clauses I will be applying:
Dupes clause-I cannot capture the same Pokemon twice. I am allowed to capture evolutionary chains as long as I have not already evolved a now deceased Pokemon into that stage (EX-I caught a Lillipup, it died, and then I caught a Stoutland. This is legal with this clause) 2. Legendary clause-I made this one up last time! I get three chances to catch a legendary Pokemon! 3. Shiny clause-this one is self explanatory.
Haha, hope y'all enjoy!
Here's the cover (it got cut off):
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