New captures:
Alois (Male Shinx)I was looking forward to naming my Shinx Ginchi. Just my luck that it's a male. A FRICKING MALE! SO FAR EVERY POKEMON I HAVE IS FRICKING MALE! WHAT? FRICKING KIDDING ME? Also, I forgot to name my Starly Muneshige. So right now... I have Sebastian, Ciel, and Alois.
Help me.
Last entry for tonight! Night people!

My New Nuzlocke Idea (And The Actual Nuzlocke)
CasualeI HAD A NEW NUZLOCKE IDEA OHMYGOD YOU GUYSSSSSS!!!!!!! Second ever Nuzlocke (most likely fourth generation... Sinnoh is my childhood even though Cynthia will probably kill me)! Many rules... (sighs) Hope y'all enjoy my new idea of a Nuzlocke! (Also...