New captures:
Nene (Female Gastly)
Bertha 2 (Female... Bibarel)New deaths:
Motochika (Male Buizel)
Finnian (Male Budew)
Tanaka (Male Psyduck)Motochika died while training against a Geodude and Finnian and Tanaka died to Bertha 2 while I was trying to catch her. I couldn't find anything in Mount Coronet, so I'm thinking of maybe skipping it or something.
I'm so mad the OG squad is now almost dead. All we've got left of that squad is Grell and Ciel.
Current team:
Ciel (Male Staravia)
Grell (Male Zubat)
Mabel (Female Shellos)
Haruka (Female Cranidos)
No (Female Stunky)
Potato (Female Meditite)I am aware that I mixed up Nene and No's names... Nene is the girl with the poison types and Zubatsssss and No is the ghost girl with the witch hat. My bad everyone. I decided to switch them then considering I don't know where the Name Rater is anymore. I have a vague memory of him being in Eterna City... But eh.
So yeah. I hate Meditite.
Also, hype for Bertha 2!
Jk die in a hole Bertha 2.
Stay tuned.

My New Nuzlocke Idea (And The Actual Nuzlocke)
RandomI HAD A NEW NUZLOCKE IDEA OHMYGOD YOU GUYSSSSSS!!!!!!! Second ever Nuzlocke (most likely fourth generation... Sinnoh is my childhood even though Cynthia will probably kill me)! Many rules... (sighs) Hope y'all enjoy my new idea of a Nuzlocke! (Also...