One Republic - "Kids"

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Days when
We'd fight, we'd fight till I would give in
Yeah, perfect disasters
We were reaching, reaching for the rafters

And on most of the days we were searching for ways
To get up and get out of the town
That we were raised, yeah
Because we were done
I remember, we were sleeping in cars
We were searching for Oz
We were burning cigars
With white plastics tips till we saw the sun
And we said crazy things like...

I refuse to look back thinking days were better
Just because they're younger days
I don't know what's around the corner
Way I feel right now
I swear we'll never change
Back when we were kids
Swore we would never die
You and me were kids
Swear that we'll never die

Lights down
And we drive and we're driving just to get out
Yeah, perfect disasters
Yeah, we were swinging, swinging from the rafters

Hey, we were dancing in cars
We were looking for ours
We were naming the stars
After people we knew
Till we had to go
And we were saying things like...

I refuse to look back thinking days were better
Just because they're younger days
I don't know what's around the corner
Way I feel right now
I swear we'll never change
Back when we were kids
Swore we would never die
You and me were kids
Swear that we'll never die

Nights when we kept dancing
Changing all our plans
And making every day a holiday
Feel the years start burning
City lights they're turning
Something about this feels the same

Back when we were kids
Swore we would never die
You and me were kids
Swear that we'll never die
I refuse to look back thinking days were better
Just because they're younger days
I don't know what's around the corner
Way I feel right now
I swear we'll never change

You and me were kids

One Republic - Niños

Días en los que,
peleábamos, peleábamos hasta que yo me rendía.
Sí, perfectos desastres,
estirándonos, estirándonos para alcanzar el techo.

Y la mayor parte de los días, buscábamos formas
para levantarnos y escapar de la ciudad
en la que nos criamos, sí,
porque habíamos terminado allí.
Me acuerdo, dormíamos en coches,
buscábamos el país de Oz.
Quemábamos cigarros,
con punteras de plástico blanco hasta que veíamos el sol,
y decíamos cosas locas como...

me niego a mirar atrás pensando que fueron días mejores,
solo porque son días más jóvenes.
No sé qué hay a la vuelta de la esquina,
la forma en la que me siento ahora mismo,
juro que nunca cambiará.
Cuando éramos jóvenes,
juramos que nunca moriríamos.
Tú y yo, éramos niños,
juro que nunca moriremos.

Bajan las luces,
y conducimos y conduciremos solo para escapar.
Sí, perfectos desastres,
sí, lo pasábamos, pasábamos genial (lit. colgando del techo).

Ey, bailábamos sobre coches,
buscábamos el nuestro,
poníamos de nombre a las estrellas
el nombre de gente que conocíamos.
Hasta que tuvimos que irnos,
y decíamos cosas como...

me niego a mirar atrás pensando que fueron días mejores,
solo porque son días más jóvenes.
No sé qué hay a la vuelta de la esquina,
la forma en la que me siento ahora mismo,
juro que nunca cambiará.
Cuando éramos jóvenes,
juramos que nunca moriríamos.
Tú y yo, éramos niños,
juro que nunca moriremos.

Noches en las que seguíamos bailando,
cambiando todos nuestros planes
y haciendo de cada día unas vacaciones.
Siento los años comenzar a arder,
las luces de la ciudad, están encendiéndose,
hay algo en esto que me hace sentir igual.

Cuando éramos jóvenes,
juramos que nunca moriríamos.
Tú y yo, éramos niños,
juro que nunca moriremos.
Me niego a mirar atrás pensando que fueron días mejores,
solo porque son días más jóvenes.
No sé qué hay a la vuelta de la esquina,
la forma en la que me siento ahora mismo,
juro que nunca cambiará.

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