Day 7: August 28th

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Dear Whoever Will Listen,
It's 2:44 am.
I'm having a hard time sleeping.
I starting having visions again.
And my visions are scary.
Cause they're always a premonition of something that's going to happen.
My visions are always scary but the part that comes true isn't always the big part.
I actually just had a vision where she got brutally murdered right after she dropped an apple.
The part that comes true could be the part where she gets brutally murdered.
Or where she drops an apple.
Honestly I have no idea.
I don't really want to talk about it cause I'm traumatised.
There was so much blood.
I really hope it's not the first part.
But I keep getting visions.
I can't sleep.
I'm scared.
The only way to shut up the visions is to cut.
And I don't have anything to cut with anymore.
Should I kill myself?
It's 9:36 am and I am more traumatised about this dream than I was about that vision.
I saw her at a stop n shop that me and my mom were just about to leave.
She was riding a blue bike with big wheels.
Then I asked my mom if I could go to warped tour with her and she said yes.
Then her and I were in this really boring business looking building.
She was so perfect.
We decided to leave so we ran to the door.
And people started chasing us cause you're not supposed to run.
When we got to the door I saw a Dan and Phil sign but they weren't there so we left.
We ended up going to a store that was basically Walmart with a different name (that I just so happened to forget).
We met up with our other three friends and started trying on clothes.
She was being really cute and stuff and we were holding hands.
And I remember I said something about kissing her.
But then something caught my eye.
So I turned around to look at again.
It was surrounded by bloody corpses.
Nobody seemed to notice it.
And it wasn't attacking anyone.
But I knew I needed to get her out of there.
And fast.
I held her tighter and started to run, pulling her along with me.
You know I the movies when something dramatic happens, time slows down.
Like in The Fault in our Stars how she had to be taken to the hospital because she was having trouble breathing since her lungs filled up.
When they took her they slowed down time.
Or like in one movie I saw.
I forgot what it was called.
But a girl texted her friend,
"I'm sorry."
And instantly the friend raced to the girls bedroom cause she knew that the girl was trying to commit suicide.
But when she started to run there everything got slower.
That's how it was.
People started running around like crazy as soon as they found out.
People definitely heard me but I felt like I wasn't screaming loud enough.
I hadn't looked behind me to see if my other friends were following.
I just had her.
I only cared about her.
The crank ran.
Dead bodies left and right.
And because he was at the front of the store we had to pass him.
Luckily when we passed him he was busy with someone else.
But then I realised something.
If he was at the front of the store...
Then how many were in the back of the store?
I turned around a tsunami of cranks came at us.
They acted like the zombies in World War Z but they were cranks.
So they ran fast.
I kissed her and I pushed her towards the door.
The first crank I saw finished his "meal" and looked up at me.
I shook my head and then he came after me.
I ran for the door.
For her.
But I was too slow.
It jumped on me and pinned me down and then rolled me over so it could see my face.
Did he want to see the life slowly drain from my eyes?
Just like me.
She yelled.
And then she hit him with an axe.
If ever the zombie apocalypse were to happen or the flare virus were to spread I'd hoped that I'd in a store because you can find any and all weapons there.
Plus things to keep you healthy like food.
She took my hand and then we ran off.
And then I woke up.
I told my aunt.
But I didn't tell her the part where she and I kissed.
And I told her but I didn't tell her about the part where I almost died.
But you guys get to hear it all.
I was so scared.
No for my own life because I could give a shit less.
When I saw that crank I forgot about my friends.
Hell I forgot about me.
The only person that mattered was her.
And when the crank was on top of me about to kill me I was worried.
But not about me.
About her.
If I died, and she had nobody else on her team, would she survive?
I know she's strong but if I were alone and that kind of world I would give up.
I need to live.
For her.
And then when I woke up I was worried about her.
So when I texted her I was relieved that she texted me back.
It's her birthday.
It's 7:41 pm.

OH MY GOD!That's amazing!The only way this could be better is if she was here

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That's amazing!
The only way this could be better is if she was here.
I love her so much.
So it's now 10:38 pm.
I'm watching phan videos and texting her.
I told her about this story.
She wants to read it.
Assuming that she reads it and she gets to this part of the story: hi.
I know you probably think I'm psychotic and that you probably don't want to be my girlfriend anymore but I did warn you.
These are all my thoughts and letting you see them means that I trust you a lot.
And yes.
I can picture you staring at me and saying, "How do you trust me in a special way if you've posted this on wattpad?"
Well I can answer that easily.
I highly doubt that anyone besides you and I will read this because it's not an actual fanfiction.
And even if someone did read this...
I don't know them so I don't ever have to face them.
I love you baby.
The waste of oxygen,

Dear Whoever Will ListenWhere stories live. Discover now