Get To Know Gray and I

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💗Payton POV💗
Hi I'm payton and my best friend is Grayson Dolan and we have been friend since kindergarten
Me and him have been friends for a long time he is a few months older than me so he is 16 and I'm
15 I turn 16 in October 16 and Grayson birthday is july 25 so we are just 3 months apart from each
Other we also have a crush on each other but we are not dating because we think if we date and it doesn't
Work out between us it will just mess up our friendship and we didn't want that to happen. I've had a
Crush on him since 1st grade and we are in high school we do everything together and Ethan does to when
He is not with his girlfriend Kylie.

🔥Grayson POV🔥
Payton and I do mostly everything and anything together and sometimes Ethan to since me and Ethan
Have a YouTube channel we post together every Tuesday and Payton joined us once her and I did
The Best Friend tag and let me tell you we know mostly everything about each other and we have had
A crush on each other but we are not dating cause Payton said if it doesn't work out that it can mess
Up our friendship I'm not really on board with that idea but Payton said that so I have to respect her
Chose. We have kissed once because it was a dare we had to do because Ethan dared us to and we did
To be honest I enjoy it and I will never regret it ever.

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