I Think I'm Pregnant

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💗Payton POV💗
After school I drove home and made myself a snack and went to my room
I turned on my T.v. and I was watching a movie called Me before you it was a love
Story I cried for half the movie I was eating popcorn and all of a sudden I felt like throwing
Up I rushed to my bathroom and before I know it I was throwing up after like 3 minutes
I felt a bit better then I remembered that throwing up is a sign your pregnant my heart started
To race I was so worried what if Grayson did get me pregnant.

🔥Grayson POV🔥
I arrived home and Ethan an I went to a basketball game and we watched the game
Then we arrived home at like 3:40 and then Ethan went to pick up Kiley because today is
There 1 year anniversary I stayed home I took a nap then woke up it was 4:25 and I went
With Ricky to go out and grab some food. Then I got back at 5:20

✨Nash POV✨
After school I went to go eat with Nate and Cameron I felt kinda bad cause I kissed
Payton and she is already in a relationship with Grayson I hope and pray that Grayson didn't
Get her pregnant because I'm the one who wants to get her pregnant not him when we
Arrived at the dinner at a place I don't remember what is was called I couldn't focus on Nate and
Cameron I was just thinking about Payton and I couldn't stop thinking about her.

💗Payton POV💗
I got dressed and went to the store and got a pregnancy test and the woman who
Check the test out looked shocked that a 15 year old girl was buying a pregnancy test
I was a bit embarrass that all the people were just staring at me any way I got home
I went straight to my bathroom and got the pregnancy test out and peed on it and waited
20 minutes that's how long they said to wait so I texted Grayson.

P-Grayson can we talk😶
G-Yea whats wrong😘
P-I think I'm Pregnant😬
G-Wait what😮
P-Right now I'm taking a pregnancy test😔
G-I will love you even if it come out that you are I will always love you😘😘
P-Thanks your a great boyfriend to have❤
G-Just text me the results OK😁
P-OK bye babe😜

🔥Grayson POV🔥
I got home I went to my room and I was on my phone then Payton texted me
She said that she think that she is pregnant and that she was taking a pregnancy test
Right now to be honest I'm scared my parents will kill me if they found out that I got Payton
Pregnant Ethan already warned me that she could get pregnant because when we had sex
We didn't use protection.

💗Payton POV💗
I waited for the time to past and it was finally time to check the results I went to
The bathroom I went to the place of were I have put it Grayson told me he would love
Me even if I was or was not pregnant that he will still love me forever and forever
I checked the results and I was truly shocked I looked at I was pregnant I cried of happiness
But at the same time I was so so so scared how was I going to tell my parents that
They will kill me and I hope that they won't get to mad Now to tell Grayson and Nash and the rest
Of my friends I'm scared😯

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