Will Grayson Beat Up Nash?

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🔥Grayson POV🔥
Once Payton told me what Nash did to her I got really pissed off
I grabbed my keys and rushed out of the house and drove to his house
I banged on the door 3 times he finally opened the door and before he said
Anything I through a punch at his face.

✨Nash POV✨
After Payton left like half a hour ago I was still crying I was expecting Grayson
To show up at my door really pissed off and guess what happen about 10 minutes
After I thought that it happen I was on my phone then I heard One bang then
One more loud bang following the third loud bang I open the door to see Grayson so
Mad I open the door before I said anything he punched me.

🔥Grayson POV🔥
After I punched him he fell on the ground he got a bloody nose and he was
Looking at me like he didn't do anything which pissed me off even more then
I was already was he try to stand up but I pushed him back on the floor
At that point I lost it.

"She is pregnant you fuckin idiot!!" I shouted
"I know she is she fuckin told me" He said getting up
"Then why did you rape her bitch!!" I yelled grabbing the door and slammed it
"I can't let you have her I love her!" He said heading to the living room
"But she does not like you so fuck off" I yelled heading towards the door
"She did it not me" he said smirking
"What do you mean" I said turning my head so I was facing him
"She started to kiss me and things got real" He said still smirking
"Shut up that's not true" I said running back to my car and driving back home

✨Nash POV✨
I had to lie that I was the one who raped her because I would have not made
It out alive so I told him that Payton is the one who started thing and he just walked
Out of my house I think he believed it I hope he did or else I am so dead and
Payton hates me now for what I did to her.

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