How Will Grayson React?

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💗Payton POV💗
Nash invited me to his bedroom and showed me a coin that was old it was from
London after that I was heading for the door to go back downstairs but Nash grabbed
My hand and through me on his bed he went on top of me and tied down my
Hands with his hands then he took off my clothes he started to lick my vagina but then
He stopped he got off of me and ran to his bathroom. This was my chance I got dressed really
Fast and rushed downstairs and ran to my car and left to Grayson house I wonder
How he is going to react.

🔥Grayson POV🔥
I was at my house alone Payton was with Nash and Ethan with Kiley I was home alone
I decide to go out to the park and walk around I got dressed put some pants on with a top
I left to the park that was near my house I didn't bring my phone with me because it
Was discharge.

✨Nash POV✨
Once I ran into my bathroom I started to cry I have never cried for a girl like Payton
I was in there once I got out Payton had already left my room I went downstairs she was
Not there I looked out side the window she was not there I went to my bedroom again
Got a blaze and cut myself 2 times blood was all around me and Got a bandage and put it
Around my wrist where I cut myself.

💗Payton POV💗
I rushed over to his house where Both Ethan and him live I knocked on his door twice
He didn't answer I texted him 3 times he didn't answer I got worried so I decide
To text Ethan to see if he knew where Grayson was I texted him and he also didn't replay
Then I remember that he was with his girlfriend Kylie so I just went back to my house and
Took a good one hour nap.

🔥Grayson POV🔥
I was walking in the park for like a good one hour I was walking and made some new
Friends but then I meet a girl named Chloe she was pretty but not as pretty as Payton we talked
She was a really kind girl she gave me her number and we talked for a good 30 minutes
Then I left back to my house. I checked my notification.

3 unread text messages from Payton
Ethan like your tweet 3x
You got 20 new followers on IG

First I saw what Payton texted me

P- Grayson!
P-Where are you!?!?
P-Nash raped me where are you?!?!
G-Sorry I was at the park I forgot my phone
P-Nash raped me😭😭
P-Please I feel so weak
G-Where is Nash!
P-His house
G-I'm going to kill him
P-Okay be careful
G-Okay love you I will be at your house in like a one hour
P-Okay please hurry

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