Harry X reader Sneaking out

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It was 12:59 as you lied in your dorm bed. You turned over to your side and stared at the clock. You watched the clock blink as it hit 1:00. You stood up sick of just lying in bed "Damn you insomnia" you muttered to yourself as you stood up. You got dressed in your school uniform (not the clock) and snuck out of your dorm. After wondering around the halls for a bit you heard a noise coming from the hallways. You walked over to the noises and saw a boy with messy black hair and a blue-ish light illuminated from his wand. "Umm who are you?" you curiously asked the strange figure. The figure jumped at the sudden sound of your voice and turned around. Once his green eyes met your (e/c) eyes from underneath his round glasses you knew it was none other that Harry Potter. He murmured "(y/n)?" and ran off. Now interested in what he was doing you decided to follow him. After what felt like hours you finally caught with Harry at the Astronomy tower. "why did you run from me?" you asked him. "uh.......... umm........." Harry quietly said at almost a whisper "thing..... reasons" he said trying to avoid all eye contact. "you can tell me" you replied stepping a bit closer as Harry just stayed quite fidgeting with his grey sweater. You kept edging closer to him as Harry kept getting farther away. Harry moved away from the rickety guard rail but you and your sleep deprived mind kept walking forward. You tried to stop but for some reason, your legs wouldn't stop moving forward. You slammed into the rail and it broke falling down to what will soon to be your death. You closed your eyes, but instead of feeling the cold wind of you falling to your death, you felt something warm wrap around your waist and pulled you into something else warm. You slowly opened your eyes only to see a grey something wrapped around you. You knew instantly it was Harry "But why?" you asked looking up to see Harry's face with a slight blush spread across it. "ummmmmmmmmmm....... i didn't want to see you get hurt" he said getting quieter with each word "but why, you hate me?" You questioned "hate you? why?" he asked sounding almost hurt. "Ya, I mean you never want to be my partner, whenever I try to talk to you run off, not to mention what happened just tonight," you said tearing a bit. Harry just looked down at you a smiled his green eyes staring down at you. "I do all those things because i love you." He whispered pulling you tighter into his hug. You smile i do to" you whisper back "good or else this would be more awkward than it already is, " he says leaning down getting closer to your face. "do wh-" you were cut off by his lips pressing up aginst yours. Which you eventually melt into. However, your kiss was cut-off by you falling asleep in his arms. He lies down with you resting against his chest you both falling asleep under the stars.

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