James X reader The Note

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      You were sitting in the Hufflepuff common room late at night. You rather enjoyed the quietness of the dark room.  Most kids think it is strange, but never the less you liked it. Suddenly, you heard something shuffle around in the back.  You wiped around to see nothing but a small letter.  You carefully walked over to the letter and picked it up.  There was neat handwriting that read "Dear (y/N), please meet me by the whomping willow tomorrow afternoon.  "That's strange it's not signed" You murmured to yourself and walked off to bed.

                     The next morning, you decided to do what the letter said even though it was a reckless idea.  At the tree, you saw none other than James Potter the leader of the marauders, the biggest idiots in school, leaning against the tree.  It looked as if he were clutching something in his hand but there wasn't anything there.  "Why Hello there (y/n), how's it going,"  James said with a cheerful smile on his face as he walked towards you.  "Good, 'till you got here" you replied which made him make a fake pouty face.  When you tried to walk away from him before he grabbed your wrist "please don't go!" he whined.  "I'm not staying here with the likes of you!" you shouted.  This only made James smirk a bit as he pulled you in "Aww why?" He whined even more.  "Leave me alone!" You practically screamed at him for making such an outrages move. "but what fun would that be" he whispered into your ear as he pulled you so close that your lips were almost touching.  They were so close that if you even moved forward a little bit they would touch.  "GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF ME!" you screamed at him.  You were so fed up with him that you pulled your free hand back and smacked him right across the face.

                      James fell to the ground as blood dripped from is nose.  There was a pink mark left from where you slapped him.  Also, his glasses had flown off his face and broke from hitting the ground.  You could see his eyes were a bit teary from this whole mess.  Guilt fell upon you, you didn't mean to hit him that hard.  You tried to run away, but you ran into a secondary party.  The body grabbed you by your shirt collar and pinned you up against the willow.  Once you looked up it was Sirus Black, Jame'es right-hand man, "Now what the bloody hell was that for!" He shouted as the rage from him grew.  You see to Sirus,  James was his brother, a brother who you had hurt.  "I-I didn't mean to-" you were cut-off by Sirus slamming you on the ground.  When you came in contact with the ground you're vision started to get blurry.  "I don't want to hear your lame excuses" Sirus snapped and he put his foot on your chest to hold you down so that you wouldn't run away.  He pointed his wand at you, just before he was able to cast any sort of spell you James shouted "STOP IT, SIRIUS" you could hear the concern in his voice.

            Sirus imminently obeyed James like as if he were a dog.  James walked over to you and helped you up.  You slightly blushed at the kind gesture, 'but wait' you thought to yourself 'this can't be the same James who's a douche bag to everyone who gets is his way or the James who will recklessly start dules off of his on feelings, no it can't be this is probably just another act.'  "(y/n), (y/n)"  you heard James say which snapped you out of your thoughts.  "are you ok?" he asked you. "ya, why wouldn't I be?" you asked him "Well, I mean Sirus slammed you down quite hard back there and you looked pretty dazed there, but don't worry Sirus will get what he deserves" he replied to you with a slight smirk. " No! don't punish Sirus he was only protecting you!"  You said quite shocked, I mean how in the world could a friend hurt another friend.

      (time skip to the next day)

           You and your friends were walking through the halls until it was time to part ways for classes "good luck, on your potions test today !" you said as you bid them farewell.  You continued to walk down the halls until you saw James clutching something again, that you couldn't see.  He jogged over to you and pinned you up against the wall.  "Sorry about this, I know you won't like it, but I know I will," he said sounding quite rushed.  He threw something over you, "what is this?" you said "Shhh shhh" James whispered. "It's an invisibility cloak" he explained.  Then all in one second his lips fell across yours you tried to struggle but to no use because now his hands that were once against the wall were now wrapped now wrapped around you.  You eventually gave up struggling and just sunk it to this kiss.  How could it a devil like James be so sweet.  You enjoyed the kiss from under the cloak, it felt as if it was a blanket shielding you from reality and all of the world's problems.

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