In The Family Way!

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Psalms 127:1-6; 128:1-5

These Psalms are attributed to Solomon. Whether it was written for David is debatable but we know it was meant for Israel in his day as well as for the readers. It is a timely statement no matter when it is read or sung. Many of the psalms were sung and this one is no exception. This is one of the recorded Songs of Ascent sung by the Israelite people as they made their pilgrimage up Mount Zion to worship God in His Temple. It served as a reminder of their position with God as a family!

In order to deal with the issue of WISDOM we must admit the authority of God over our family as well as the community and world. Respect and acknowledgment of God is the beginning of wisdom. That is what fear of God really means. It is an awesome, humbling respect for God! Not afraid to the point that we turn away from Him, but a child-like faith in His great ability to control us and anything around us. Now we see what WISDOM is? Recognizing His tremendous power over His whole creation! WISDOM belongs in the context of praise!!!

"In lands where olive trees grow, it is a common sight to see an old olive tree surrounded at the base by young shoots that have sprung from its roots. The psalmist used this illustration to describe the ideal family life. Our children are the young olive branches which need to be nurtured and cultivated. The home is the garden where they grow. A house will never be a home without the touch of God upon it."-Ethel Smith

This is why the psalmist chose to begin by saying, (NKJV)-"Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it;". This portion of the verse directly applies to the creating of a protective covering for the family to shield them against anything outside. They are shielded against the weather, the ravenous beasts, or any human enemy! Our homes should do all this. The children within must find their refuge in God or the home you produce is (TEV) "useless". Also note that the community relies on the protective force of God to exist happily. "Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain." Chapter 128:1, 2 recognizes this also, (NCV)-"Happy are those who respect the Lord and obey Him. You will enjoy what you work for, and you will be blessed with good things." (NKJV)-"When you eat the labor of your hands, you shall be happy, and it will be well with you." What a colossal, amazing, monumental defense we have in God! He can protect us, our family, our community, our government, and the whole world when we give Him control!!! Life without God is not worth living! (Read Ecclesiastes 3:9-13; Isaiah 3:10; Deuteronomy 4:40)

Next the psalmist breaks down the people who make up the family. We assume the husband is covered in the first two verses but Psalms 128:3 deals with, (NKJV)-"your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house,..." (TEV)-"in your home." (A house is not a home unless God is in it.). (KJV)-"vine by the sides of thine house?" She is there for the loving nurturing of the young branches. She is the source of the new life! (Read Psalms 113:9; Proverbs 31:10-31; 14:1; Ezekiel 19:10; Psalms 52: 8; 144:12)

Then the psalmist introduces the children in Psalms 127:3-5- (KJV)-"Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord:and the fruit of the womb is His reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man who has a quiver full of them;..."and 128:3b-(NKJV)-"Your children (are) like olive plants all around your table." I love the reading in (NCV)-"Your children will bring you much good, like olive branches that produce many olives." (Read Proverbs 22:6). How blessed we are with our precious children whether they are infants still, youthful and headstrong, or adults with families of their own, we love them very much! God has blessed us and we are happy to have them. God is our source of Joy in His Love. (TEV)-" Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a real blessing."

The psalmist referred to them as arrows in a man's quiver. Why did he call them arrows? In ancient times, having many children was regarded as strength. Arrows could accomplish in the man the ability to bring down animals or fowl too great for him to conquer without it. He used his bow to do what he alone could not. Thus the children allowed a man to cultivate more acres than he alone could in his own strength to provide the necessary sustenance for his family. The quiver was a mark of God's blessing in his home and respect in his community. He received both by the children he fathered. God is still included in this home, as God's gift produces the blessings he and his wife receive. (TEV)-"Happy is the man who has many such arrows! He will never be defeated when he meets his enemies in the place of judgment."

This last phrase "place of judgment" also refers to the place where the elders of the city met and where the people brought their grievances for decisions. The gate of judgment! (Read Ruth 4:1-12 to see how the judgment went. Ruth was chosen as a bride by the decision of the elders at the gate.). Sometimes the accusations were falsely presented by an enemy of the man. His sons who stood with him added strength to his rebuttal of any charges brought against him. Thus his arrows hit the mark and he was richer for it.

The Psalmist puts a futuristic touch on his Psalm. (128:6)NKJV-"Yes, may you see your children's children (grandchildren)." He adds the born and yet to be born in his song. What a blessing it is to see our grandchildren. If they are raised to Love God and follow His leading we receive a double blessing! The happiness goes on. Joy is persevering! It keeps pushing on!!! (Read Job 42:16)

Let's not leave out the community as the psalmist included them in his writings. He says, (NKJV)-"The Lord bless you out of Zion, and you may see the good of Jerusalem all the days of your life...PEACE BE UPON ISRAEL!" One version says, "May you see Jerusalem prosper all the days of your life." The psalmist ends this writing with (128:6b) my own sentiments for my own country during our hours of turmoil! But God must reign over our homes, families, communities and nations so we will see it come to pass! (Read Psalms 122:6-9; 125:1&2)


If you pray for your family, you pray for the community

Next time...


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