Hands On

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Psalms 119:65-97

Here we are half way through Psalm 119! Encouraging words of WISDOM begins the 65th verse, (NKJV)-"You have dealt well with Your servant, O Lord, according to your word." How precious His promises are to His children! I repeat-"He is more willing to give than we are to receive!" Don't ever forget this!!!

So begins our section called in Hebrew, "Teth". This word means "to sweep out by judgment and replace it with goodness and humility". We are discussing WISDOM since this is what Psalms 119 is all about. Verse 65 begins to explain the principle behind WISDOM. "You have kept your promise, Lord and You are good to me, Your servant." Since the basis of our WISDOM is understanding, God is in control and takes care of us. He is our source of WISDOM. David made this clear when he said, "Give me WISDOM and knowledge because I trust in Your commands." Sometimes we expect God to wave a magic wand over us and give us anything we ask, when we are not trusting Him at all. This trust is the sweeping out of judgment over us, the magic wand we didn't expect!

David confessed he had strayed and was brought back to God's Word. Thus God teaches us the right way. David did not intend for the proud to influence him from keeping God's precepts, " but I will keep Your precepts with my whole heart...I delight in Your law." Then he continued to admit that the chastening of God is good for him. He said, "The law of Your mouth is better to me than thousands of coins of gold and silver." There are many today who sell their souls for gold or silver coins or numerical bills!

Verse 73 begins with the Hebrew letter "Yod" of "Vod" which means "Hand". A symbol of the Creator. "Your hands have made me and fashioned me." He was the source of our beginning so as David went on to ask, "Give me understanding..." He wanted to learn more and find hope in God because God is "Faithful." He wanted God to show mercy and be kind to him "according to Your Word to Your servant." He repeated that God's law is his delight. Again he pleaded for mercy for a defense against his enemies. THE HAND OF GOD IS OUR SOURCE OF HELP IN ANY SITUATION! David promised to meditate on the Word of God. He prayed, "Let my heart be blameless regarding Your statutes, that I may not be ashamed." What a humble prayer! We need to pray this prayer every day.

The next section beginning with verse 81 is called "Kaph". Which in Hebrew means "Palm". This can be a Palm tree or the Palm of your hand. It refers to either one. David delighted in God's word. As NKJV notes says, "This is not the delight of a passive observer, but the delight of a disciple who has staked his life and security on a cause or principle. The Psalmist maintains this type of complete commitment to the law, which he consistently values over material wealth." I couldn't say it better! Job 10:8-(NKJV)-"Your hands have made me and fashioned me, An intricate unity;..." Job went on to say that since God made him out of clay He could turn him to dust just as easily. His description of creation is almost amusing in description-(NKJV)-"Did You not pour me out like milk, and curdle me like cheese, clothe me with skin and flesh, and knit me together with bones and sinews?" Then he got more serious and made a profound statement, "You have granted me life and favor, and Your care has preserved my spirit." What a beautiful description of God's love.

David had somewhat of an amusing description in verse 83, (NKJV)- "For I have become like a wine skin in smoke." I guess we use such descriptive sentences when we say, "I feel like a doormat that has been tread on all day!" I believe that is how David felt. However David still held firmly to God. "Yet I do not forget Your statutes." (Job 30:30, NKJV-relates Job's deepest darkest feelings when he faced pain and rejection, "My skin grows black and falls from me; My bones burn with fever." Have you ever felt as bad as this from physical, emotional, or spiritual pain in your own life? Possibly an probably at some time you have; but, we must remember when we cry " When will You comfort me?" to God, He always answers, " Lo, I am with You always ...I will never leave you nor forsake you!" He hears, He care, And He comforts! Praise God!

David laid out his problems before God- (NKJV)-"WHEN WILL YOU EXECUTE JUDGMENT ON THOSE WHO PERSECUTE ME?" The list for David of persecution is lengthy: " the proud have dug a pit for me...They persecute me wrongfully...They almost make an end of me on earth..." But at the same time he lists his counteractions: "which is not according to Your law...Help me!(cry out to God is never a loss)...I did not forsake Your precepts (never let persecution destroy your faith in God)...Revive me according to Your loving kindness (relief comes from God),...I will keep the testimony of Your Mouth!" Success story of David's life!

The last division in this part is called in Hebrew, "Lamed" which means "Good". It also means "To learn WISDOM and Purpose". This is the central letter of the Hebrew alphabet and was used to refer to words all-inclusive of God's presence-good, toward, into, unto, King of kings who surrounds and encompasses us, the Supreme Power! Engulfed in His Holy Presence! That is where we learn WISDOM and Purpose! This is the source of our trust in God! This is the basis of our faith in Him and His Word!

David knew there was No Limits in God eternally. He expresses it in these statements(TEV):

"Your Word, Lord, will last forever; it is firm in heaven.

Your faithfulness endures through all ages;

You have set the earth in place and it remains.

All things remain to this day because of Your command,because they are all Your servants...

Nothing is perfect but Your commandment has no limits."

He went on to express the affects in his own life:

"If Your law had not been the source of my JOY, I would have died from my punishment.

I will never neglect Your rules, because by them You have kept me alive.

I am Yours--Save me!

I have tried to obey Your commands.

Wicked men are waiting to kill me BUT I will meditate on Your laws."

I could not make this any clearer if I tried! So here is the open Word of God. If you will-because God has already promised He will and He Does! I love Him because He first loved me!

(Read Matthew 24:35; Jeremiah 33:25; Matthew 5:18 for further study)


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