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Psalms 119:33-64

So far we have learned to walk God's Way, to obey His Laws, to find Happiness in His Way, and to gain a determination to follow His Path. Let's trek on in Jesus' Name! Although Jesus was not yet on the earthly scene, David was looking forward to God's promise that his seed would forever reign on the throne. (We in the year 2016 see Christ as the Risen Ruling Force beside His Father on the heavenly throne and in the throne of our hearts as we yield to Him. He is our Savior and we are God's children, if we have accepted His Way of Salvation.)

Well, here we are at the 33rd verse of Psalms 119, the Hebrew 5th alphabetical division called "He". "He" means "Window". It refers to the Spirit of the Lord as an opening by which we see the right path to take. We grow spiritually from these next 4 sets of the alphabet as they are progressive to the believers while we travel-His Road of Eternal Life. The first verse says, (NKJV)-"Teach me, O Lord, the way of your statutes, and I shall keep it to the end." (Notice the acts David asks God to perform in his life for eternal control.) In this section David prays for understanding. His prayer involves several pleas: (TEV)-"Teach me; Explain Your law; Lead me in the Way; Make me want to obey; Keep me from worthless things; Be good to me; Keep Your promises; and, Save me from insults." He begs to be completely cared for by his Heavenly Father!

In order to be taught we must understand so we ask for explanation from God. How patiently He assures us in Revelation 2:26-(NEB)-"To those who emerge victorious, keeping My practices until the end, I will give authority over nations." What a powerful promise! We have been speaking of WISDOM so here it is in Proverbs 2:6-(NEB)-" the Lord gives WISDOM, from His mouth came knowledge and understanding," and that is the highest WISDOM!

Next we need to be led as a child who is not familiar with where he is going. Goodness is a promise of God as He is good to us! Ezekiel 33:3b-(NKJV)-"They listen to Your Words, but they refuse to do them. Though they speak of their longing for Me, they act out their own interests and opinions." Sound familiar? We need to let God lead! No wonder David said, "keep me from paying attention to what is worthless." Sounds like it might be our own interests or opinions that interfere as worthless things! (Proverbs 2:8 informs us, (NEB)-"He protects the Path of justice and guards the Way of those who are loyal to Him." David needs to keep God's promise because he fears (respectful awe) God's power to be faithful. (2 Samuel 7:25-(NEB)-"Now Lord, confirm forever the promise You have made about Your servant and his dynasty. Do just as You promised." AND HE DID!

The verses of the next Hebrew alphabetical letter, "Vau" or "Waw" begin with yet more pleas for help by David. Vau means "Hook" as an object which pulls us in from earthly desires to heavenly places. Can we ever ask too much? NEVER! God is more willing to give than we are to receive. Ask on! David says, "Show me how much You love me, Lord, and save me according to Your promise...Enable me to speak the true message at all times." He has found God's fulfillment of promises, so he wants to spread the Word to others and rebuke any negative statements. His reason is that he trusts in God's Word and finds Hope in His Judgment. Then David made a profound statement of trust, "I will always obey Your law forever and ever! I will live in complete freedom..." (God's laws do not restrict us-they free us.). "I will announce Your commands... (without fear of the adversary's position or standing in the public's eye.) I find pleasures in obeying Your commandments because I love them. I respect and love Your commandments; I will meditate on Your instructions." (We could adopt this and audibly repeat it daily to God.). Proverbs 4:12-(NEB)-"When you walk, you won't be hindered; when you run, you won't stumble."

This brings us to the Hebrew a section called "Zain" or "Zayin". It means "Sword" which introduces to us the confidence in God's Word. Spiritual struggle and spiritual sustenance! Here David reminds God of what God has done for him and the resulting benefits in his own life. When I: "Remember Your gives me hope; Comforted...gave me life; (in spite of) the proud and scornful...I have not departed from Your law; Instructions You gave...bring me comfort; the wicked break Your law...I compose songs; and, In the night, I think of You, Lord...this is my happiness." Let's consider David's request for mercy and grace in spite of opposition of the wicked because he knows God is in control. He expresses his hope! (Romans15:4-(NEB-)-" Whatever was written in the past was written for our Instructions so that we could have hope through endurance and through the encouragement of the scriptures." So this is what David had done. Now we can read his story and see how he handled events beyond his control. We all face these oppositions daily! We have the same God who gives promises of comfort, instructions, and happiness. David says, (NKJV)-"I remember Your Name in the night..." (Psalms 63:6&8b-(NEB)-"Whenever I ponder You on my bed, whenever I meditate in the middle of the night ...Your strong hand upholds me." He gives us songs in the night! Wow!

In verse 56 he reminds God, "I kept Your precepts." Precepts refers to the Hebrew word, "An appointed thing" or "something for which one is given charge". God gives the orders and we are in charge to obey them. This reminds us who has the authority and who is in command! All the pressure is off our shoulders and in His hands. Hands that promise benefits!

Last we will look at the Hebrew letter "Cheth" or "Heth". This word means "Fence". He surrounds us with His protection as a protected enclosure! This follows a similar pattern as trusting God but adds Devotion to God. A "He does, so I do" pattern! David says, "You are my portion, O Lord;..." The largest part of my life and such a generous portion! Nothing stingy about God! (Jeremiah 10:16b tells us, (NEB)-"THE LORD OF HEAVENLY FORCES IS HIS NAME." Our all-Powerful God! David adds the counter action to (TEV) "YOU ARE ALL." By saying, " I promise to obey Your laws."

Next, God has promised to have mercy on us, therefore we can ask God for mercy when we need it. (TEV)-"I ask You with all my heart have mercy on me, As You have promised!" He " considers (his own) conduct" and promised " to follow Your (God's) rules." Remember the prodigal son who "came to his senses " and went back to his father's house? (Luke 15:17). David agrees "without delay, I hurry to obey Your commandments." In spite of the wicked trying to trip him up, he says, "I do not forget Your law." David lived in a hostile world in which even rulers persecuted him. (King Saul). In the same breath in which David related his problems he proclaims his allegiances to God. He does not fold under pressure! (Here is a great lesson for us as Christians! No matter what adverse laws we see being made to destroy our belief we hold firmly to the source of our eternal life in Christ Jesus and will not fold to the crowd, even if it involves the ruling forces of evil.).

David climaxed this section with a thought we could easily follow. (TEV)-"In the middle of the night I wake up to praise You for Your righteous judgments." (NKJV) Says "at midnight I will rise to give thanks to You..." (Acts 16:25-(NEB) Paul and Silas sang hymns at midnight "and the other prisoners were listening to them." They were miraculously delivered by God! (I have spent many a sleepless nights in prayer and praise. God heard and answered in miraculous ways! A church song we sing says, "There is power in the Name of Jesus!" It is still true! David's final statement says, "Lord, the earth is full of Your constant Love; teach me Your commandments," (I see God all around me in nature.) "friends who serve You, and of all who obey Your laws."

Remember David was devoted to God! Because of this he obeyed the law, promised to follow the rules, obeyed His commands readily, did not forget the law, made friends of the other Christians, and begged God to be his teacher. Such devotion to the Greatest Power available! (NEB) Psalms 33:5 reminds us, "He loves righteousness and justice; The Lord's faithful Love fills the whole earth."

That's why I love Him! He never leaves me nor forsakes me! He is my help and strength! He is my peace and joy!









Next time...


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