The Demon Within

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  • Dedicated to to my heart's genius XD

When you are alone

in a crowded place,

when you feel crumbled,

giving up your space,

when all feels lost,

all candles blown,

when even Gods are nothing 

but mere stones,

when grief comes flooding 

with open jaws,

when agony tears you

with bloodied claws,

fear not !

Fear not my friend

for I'll be there,

to hold your back

and wipe your tears,

I may not be the Sun

but a dwindlinglight,

I may not be a warrior 

but I can fight.

Though I may be

somewhat forlorn,

existence of mine 

is yours alone.

For I'll surface

whenever you need ,

irrespective of

your praise or heed.

For I am nothing

but a part of your soul,

I am jovial,

yet I am ghoul.

A trickster hiding

behind a mask,

to know me is simple,

yet  an arduous task.

I am like tears,

of both joy and pain,

though you may depart

but I do remain.

To serve the ones,

who summon me,

to combine with,

yet another destiny.

I have seen others fall,

I have seen you rise,

heared your laughter,

your stifled cries.

I have been with you,

from the beginning of time,

be it your thesis,

or a nursery rhyme.

I learn from you

the art of living,

from crude possesions

to the joy of giving.

I live in your poems,

your sketches, your art,

a stage performance,

or a song from heart. 

I have heared it all,

I have seen it all,

your searing anger,

love's heartwarming fall.

I have been called

with several names,

a monster, a demon,

a changer of games.

I am no immortal,

yet I can't be killed,

I am an idea,

though I may be unwilled.

Only at world's end

shall I depart,

as I live within all,

a genius of heart.

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