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[I edited the mistakes none of you seemed to notice but bothered the shidoodle out of me.]

"Why not?! Why the hell not." Ruby spoke loudly, drowning a cloth into a bucket of water and squeezing it out, before she patted it on the cuts right beneath your eyes.

She looked up to you sympathetically, "So what happened this time?"

You took a deep breath, your hand combing through waves of hair.

"Moka just hit me, and then shoved me against the locker-" you dug your thumbs into the back of your neck, "And then proceeded to completely kick me nearly to death, as you can see." You motioned towards the scrapes along your swelled cheeks.

Ruby tsked, shaking her head, "That girl has definitely changed since the last time she kicked me in the chin."

Her eyes met yours, and she smiled mischievously, "How about I get to play a little witch magic on her!" She tossed the cloth into the bucket again, stretching her arms.

You sighed, slumping back against the wall, "Anything just to get back at her." You bit your lip in anger. "I'm so sick of this. It's everyday Ruby. EVERYDAY! What if one day she beats me so hard I die? I can't do anything about it, I'm a frickin' druid." You snarled, your eyebrows furrowing in anger.

Ruby pulled back the hairband keeping her hair up, letting her brown locks of hair fall loosely on her shoulders.

She shot you a look of excitement, clasping her arms against her sides, "Don't worry." She raised her chin smugly, "Ah' got dis."


You sat yourself on the seat of the small room, tucking your arms under your chest while your eyes glanced over to Ruby, who was winking like the maniac pedophile she put herself out to be.

You heard the shuffling of feet from the one side of the room, and giggles emitting from the other. Then a burst of laughter from both sides.

Your eyebrows raised in curiosity, but right at that moment the doors on both side burst open, and a scuttle of kids came in through each door.

"Surprise!" Everyone who had come in screamed, jazz hands splitting across the room. Your eyebrows raised farther than druidly possible, shifting uncomfortably in your seat.

Ruby shuffled through the front of the crowd before you, whispering soft apologies to the people she stepped on. She placed her hands on her hips, smiling contentedly at you as she finally got to the front.

"I just put you into the Karate Club!! Witch magic was banned by the headmaster..." She mumbled the last bit softly enough for no one but you to hear her, but yelled the other part excitedly.

Along with your eyebrows being raised, a vein popped straight onto your forehead, and you though about how stupid you must look with your mouth gapin at Ruby's words.

A tall, skinny guy with spiky blonde hair and his hands tucked into his uniform pockets stomped beside Ruby. His expression was almost fierce, and he had an enthusiastic voice that was deep and tranquilizing.

"Welcome to the Karate Club. I am Haiji Miyamoto, the president of this club." He flexed his broad shoulders, expressing his great physical form.

You couldn't help but feel intimidated.

Your eyes shot towards Ruby, who had a wide smile on her face, which you just felt like punching right now.

"Why the hell did you put me in the Karate Club?!" You screamed, a little louder than necessary. You realized the amount of people that had just heard that, and how offended they must be.

You shouldn't offend people who could beat you to a pulp just with a finger.

Despite this, Ruby kept the ear-to-ear smile on her face, speaking through gritted teeth. "To let you have a form of defense against Moka. I know it's not much, since she is an A Class monster, but... Meh."

Haiji's eyes widened suddenly, and he turned to Ruby with annoyance, "You mean I'm teaching this nut to defend themselves against that crazy woman?!" He put a fist to his chin, breathing heavily.

The door burst open once again, and in bolted Kokoa so fast she was almost a blur to your eyes, tripping on her feet as she slammed into the crowd.

Everyone split, giving her space as she lifted herself onto her knees awkwardly.

"Ruby! I want to join the Karate Cl-.." She looked around, smiling with even more awkwardness than her previous action could uphold.

"Oh good! I won't have to actually talk to them." She pressed her hands together, seeing that the club was all gathered in the small room.

Ruby ignored Kokoa's sudden outburst, and continued to speak, "Moka must be stopp-"

"STOPPED! We all know. Even I agree with it, that's why I want to join!" Kokoa interrupted, dusting off her skirt as she stood on her feet.

She glanced up at Ruby with narrowed eyes, symbolizing her serious hatred for anyone who was a previous friend of Inner Moka.

"You mean, you want... Inner Moka out?" You questioned, your mind jumbled with confusing questions and idiotic but at the same time intelligent thoughts.

Kokoa twiddled with her fingers, "I never said that." She raised her chin again, and the second time she open  spoke so fast you could only understand three words.

"Moka. Violent. Myself."

Not enough to make the gist of it, but you could cram the words into your brain and make out that she said that Moka being this violent was a threat to Kokoa's well being.

You rolled your eyes, resting your arms beside your lap.

"Anyways, can I join?"

Suddenly, the intelligence of this proposition snapped into your malicious brain.

You could pretend- which wasn't a necessity due to your lack of good athletic skills - to be terrible at Karate, and then, assuring that Haiji must protect all members, he could defend you from Moka! And at the same time, all the friends you'll be making will do the same, as well as help your social need.

It was foolproof, except for one small factor....

(A/N) I make you wait all this time, give you a short chapter, and leave you off at a cliffhanger.

Aren't I just TERRIBLE?

Love you!

Just One More Chance (KurumuxReader)Where stories live. Discover now