~Chapter Eight~

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Well this morning you all realized that Sensei was probably abducted since he never came back last night.

But today was it. Your first date with Zane. You were pretty nervous since it was just your first one. You didn't want to make a fool of yourself. But you didn't think anyone was more excited about you two than the ninja.

After breakfast Kai, Cole, and Lloyd took Zane in their room and got him ready, while Jay went with you in your room to get you ready.

"Jay! I'm perfectly capable of getting ready myself!" you protested as Jay mixed and matched outfits from your closet. "Just trust me on this!!" he said excitedly as he laid out his final piece on your bed. You were actually surprised by the sense of style he had.

He chose a light blue sweater, dark blue skinny jeans, a pair of your warm fuzzy knee high socks, a pair of knee high boots, and a yellow scarf to finish it off. Not too fancy but pretty casual. "Where'd you learn to put outfits together like that??" you asked him.

"My girlfriend, now go ahead and try it on!!" he says still excited. You take the clothes and go behind the screen divider and quickly change into the outfit. When you finished you came out and Jay was very pleased by his choice of clothing for you.

"Perfect! Now lets do your hair and makeup!" he says as you sit down in the chair and he grabs a brush. "Wait just one minute! You're not touching this hair!" you say taking the brush from him. "But I'm not gonna do anything crazy to it!!" "I'll just do it, alright Jay." you say as you pull it out of its ponytail and begin to work on it.

"Pfft fine. But can I at least do your makeup?!" You finished brushing and put it back up in a ponytail. "Why must i wear makeup?! I only wear it for work!" you say folding your arms and looking at him. "Because you'll be awesome! C'mon please!!" "I don't want you caking my face!" "I won't i swear! I learned how!"

You sigh and give in. Jay cheered yet again and began working lightly with the makeup to your face. He actually wasn't doing too bad. "Did your girlfriend teach you makeup too?" you asked him. He chuckles, "Nope! My makeup artist when i had my own show on TV!"

He gave you a natural look and when he was finishes you got up and looked at yourself in the body length mirror. "So?!" Jay says with excitement yet again. "Thank you Jay. You did a pretty good job, i am actually impressed at how you did this to me!" you say with a smile.

He cheers and you put on your light brown leather jacket and a cross body bag with your important things in it. "Jay?" you say and he stops cheering. "Yeah?" "I-i'm nervous. I've never been on a date before and I just don't want to...mess up you know."

He smiles and puts a hand on your shoulder. "Its okay to be nervous! Zane's probably nervous too! And even if you somehow manage to...mess up, it wouldn't matter because Zane will still like you for who you are. You'll do great just have fun and be yourself! Trust me! Trust Zane even!" You smile and then nod, "Alright then, i'm ready." you said and he walks with you out of your room.

Meanwhile with the other ninja, they just finished getting Zane ready. It was just a challenge of getting a nervous Zane to leave the room. "Am i physically ready?! Am i mentally prepared to cope with this challenge?! Can i handle the emotional involvement!?!" Zane asks himself in panic.

"Zane breathe! You'll shut down if you keep worrying yourself!" Lloyd says to calm him down. Zane breathes in and out, calming down. "You got this! Just keep your cool." Cole says and Kai scoffs. "Pun? Really?" "Not intended i swear!"

"I am ready." he says a determinate smile. The other 3 cheer and walk Zane out to the bridge. "Oh Zane one more thing, make sure your falcon is nearby so we can watch!" Kai says. "Well, alright." he says and quickly remotely turns on falcon in his head.

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