You were Borg Industries new assistant for Cyrus Borg. You were very lucky to get your job. Out of everyone who signed up for this, you were different from all of them, according to Cyrus. One day the ninja came to Borg Industries for one thing. The...
"Captain's log stardate 6506. Space....the final frontier...these are the voyagers of the Destiny's Bounty. My crew and I stole a pod from the alien race, Tracreg. Our to board the ship unnoticed and find our fri-" "JAY SHUT UP!!" "Okay! Okay! Sheesh you three! It got too quiet in here!" you rolled your eyes and gave a quiet laugh as you looked out the window. You were now in space, for the first time in forever.
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It was some experience you'd had to say. No gravity so you were floating in the ship, billions and billions of stars and asteroids could be seen all around, miles away! Way better than seeing it in 3D online. "Guys we're approaching the ship. Kirstin, can you try and scan to find an entrance i can land this thing in?" Cole says and you nod, sitting back down in the co-pilot seat.
You see the ginormous mothership and gasp at it in amazement. You switch to screen vision and scan as much as you could to get the schematics for it, to find an entrance. "Uhmmm alright, found one. Its over there on the side. Exceed with caution, it might be guarded. But it should be enough so we can sneak around inside." you explain and switch back to human vision.
Cole nods and drives the pod over to the entrance. It wasn't guarded and he was able to enter the ship and land the pod down. "Wait, we should close the airlock door so we can function in here. Someone has to go out." Cole said. Lloyd pressed a button on his spacesuit which made his helmet go on and the oxygen tanks turn on. "I'll be quick. You guys just get ready." he says as he exits the pod.
Lloyd goes over to a button and successfully closes the airlock. You three then leave the pod and discuss a small plan. "How exactly are we gonna find the others and free them?" Jay asks and you all stop and think. "Well, I did download the schematics for the ship. I can see if I can locate the prisons." you said and begin checking. "Alright. Just keep in mind we have half the earth in this ship! Only look for ninjago for now." Lloyd says and you nod.
"Got them!" "Alright kirsty! Lead the way!" Jay said and your father pops up on your screen. "I'll be your little GPS! Just be careful okay." he says. "Alright." "Okay start by going straight then turning left." he says and you lead the ninja out of the hanger.
You were doing a good job leading the ninja where. You all managed to evade aliens here and there. "Are we almost at the prisons?" Cole asks. "Yeah. Once we find it, we gotta find Ninjago." you said quietly and they nod. Just as you all took a break against a wall. A group of five aliens immediately shifted their heads and you were all caught.
"HEY!!" one called out as they started running toward you all. "Crap we got caught!! Change of plans, don't sneak, RUN!!" Lloyd says and you all run away from them. They caught up pretty fast and shot Jay with a Zero Gravity Gun! He froze and they threw him against a wall. "JAY!" you said as Lloyd and Cole begin defending themselves. "Kirstin! Go get Jay!" Cole tells you and you nod and run over to him.
Jay gets back up and brushes himself off. "Are you okay?!" you ask him. "Yeah, don't worry about- KIRSTIN LOOK OUT! BEHIND YOU!" Jay says and you turn around as you turn the gauntlet shield on. A light blue shield pops up, protecting you from an energy ball. "My, what a close one. Thank you Jay." you said turning it off.
"Kirstin, you go ahead! We'll catch up! Keep going no matter what!" Jay says and you nod as you keep going in the direction of the prisons. As you ran, you get kicked and your side hits the wall. There were two aliens coming at you. You had no experience in fighting but you were hoping the Ice stun in the gauntlet was enough.
You pressed the button and a cool stun came out. It surprised them enough for them to stop. You tried to throw a punch but one of them caught it! You screamed figuring this was it. Just then someone quickly comes in and attacks them! The two aliens collapse, defeated and the person who saved you turned around.
"Z-zane?" you asked. He smiled at you with a relieved expression on his face. "Kirstin!!! You're okay!" he says and you immediately hug him, a smile grew on your face, relieved to see him yourself. "Did they abduct you?!" he asks and you shake your head. "Your friends and I snuck on board! We were going to save you guys!"
"I saw them attack you! Are you hurt?!" "I'm alright, not the best fighter but, thanks to you I'm fine. Zane! Did you escape!?" "I did! I was looking for the others! But i found you!" "Glad you're alright." "But you aren't..." Zane says with a smirk before smacking you good in the face.
You hold your face in pain and a few tears come down your face. You take your hand off your face and you saw blood! "ZANE!! What was that!?!" you then realized it was an alien when he shapeshifted back into his original form. He laughed at you and you only glared at him.
" dead." he says walking over to you. You gasp slowly back up. "N-no...I-it can't be!" "Oh but it is Kirstin! You just missed him! You sure should have seen it! And heard the cries for pain and agony. You also should have heard his last words!" you shake your head no, refusing to hear these terrible lies.
"N-no..." you said with a crack in your voice. "You want to know what he said?!" he spat and tears start falling from your eyes. "He said that he loved Pixal. Then, we finished him off! I told you Kirstin! I wasn't lying! I knew this whole time! Zane never chose you. It was always Pixal! The others were just lying to make you feel better! Those imbeciles! I told the truth to protect you!"
"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" you yelled at him as you dropped on your knees to sob. He did a low evil laugh before walking away. It couldn't be true! But it seemed like so. You were just done with this whole Zane situation. It broke your heart so much. "KIRSTIN!" you heard the others call your voice. They caught up to you but you didn't look at them. "Kirstin, what happened?" Jay asked as he stooped down to your level.
You didn't answer since you didn't know what to believe anymore. "Your face! You're bleeding." Cole says as he grabs a handkerchief from his pocket and wipes your face. "Kirstin are you alright?" Lloyd asked rubbing your back. "J-just...go on without me.." you said in a whisper. "But we're a tea-" Jay said but you cut him off. "Just go." Lloyd stood Jay up and sighed.
"You'll catch up right?" he asks you and you slowly nod. "Alright. We'll meet you there.." Cole says and leads the two away from you. "But she's-" "Jay, she needs time for herself. We want her to be her strongest when she's ready. She can handle herself for now." Cole explained as they walked away.
Your father popped up on your screen vision with a frown. "Kirstin, how do you really know if he's gone? I mean, like me for example, I was never really gone. What if it's the same in this case for Zane?" He says. You perk your head up realizing he may have a point. "Why not you go join your friends and find out. And besides, the world as we all know it is counting on all of you to go save it."
A small smile then forms on your face, he was right. If what the ninja said is true and if that was the replacement Zane, then there's much more to this mission to find out. "Guys!! Wait for me!!" You said getting up and running to catch up with the ninja. After all, saving the earth needs to come first.
A/n: Didn't wanna make the ending too sad lol its part 1 of yall's present anyways. but Whew! Making it so far with the chapter updates! My goal is to hopefully finish Ice before New Years :) Anywho! Do you guys think Zane is dead? Why or why not? 😏😆 And, who saw that lil Star Trek reference I did at the beginning 😂😂 Ooh! And let me just say, Next chapter is gonna be LIT AF 😂🔥 Song at the top is Christmas Eve/Sarajevo by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra! 😄 you know that awesome action packed Christmas instrumental that no one knows the name of? Yeah that one 😂
Its weird how Hanukkah starts tonight on Christmas eve lol we can all sorta celebrate together now! lol