~Chapter Thirteen~

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The next day you started the day like you were always starting to again, having conversations with your father. "So, do I run on batteries or something? Do I require a charge like, you did?" You ask him, sitting down across from him.

He just smiles, "Well have you ever felt like you needed a charge?" You think for a moment then shake your head no. "Then you get enough energy from your human side, just getting enough food, water, air and sleep, you've got enough energy to keep you going." You relax a little, relieved to hear that.

"Any other droid questions?" He asks you. "A few more, when I get cuts by accident, or when I got those bruises when an alien hit me, how come I was...bleeding? If I'm half droid? It's hard to...question that one." "What side were you hit on?" "Both."

"What side had more blood flow?" "My right I guess." "Well it's obvious your human side will be more fragile. Now the droid side, it would be weird to not feel pain on one side even though you've been hit on both, right?" "Yes." "Well whenever your right gets pain, your droid side will respond to it and mirror it. So for blood, it'll travel to the left when needed." Your father explained.

You took in everything again and nodded your head in understanding. "Got it." "Any more?" "One more, that hologram thing you did yesterday. You didn't tell me I could make the projections project on their own." You said. "Oh well that was something I forgot to mention! It's really neat huh! Just with a wink of an eye you can make it walk around the room if you wanted to! Great trick if you ask me!" Your Father said with a grin. You gave a slight laugh then stopped with a smile.

"That's all the questions?" He asks and you nod. "Good! Now I have a question for you!" "And what might that be?" "Why do you admire Zane? I understand you two are a thing but what made you commit?" He asks. You sigh and smile, laying down next to him.

"I-i don't know father. It's just, something about him. He makes me so, happy. He understands me and I understand him. Whenever I'm with him I have this weird, feeling inside of me. I feel a...connection. I feel, free. I've always wanted what, you and mother had. Now I've finally found the right person to do so." You say with a smile.

Your father looks down at you smiling back. He gives you a kiss on your forehead and rubs it, just like he used to. "I'm glad you two met. If my cherry blossom is happy, then I am happy too." "Thank you father." "And if he breaks your heart I'll get Cyrus to install a drill in your arm so we can pull him apart together!" You immediately sat up.

"Father!!" Your father starts laughing and you give him a playful push. "I am only joking Kirsty! Hahaha understand that I have good intentions for you both!" You laugh and stand up. "Whatever. I will join the ninja for breakfast now." You say and he stands up as well.

"Alright, enjoy yourself Kirsty! You know where I'll be." You smile and nod then, wake up.


You were reviewing some things you took down on your tablet about the current alien situation going on. There have been more sightings and you were trying to figure out if they were all connected. The times they arrived, locations on where they appear, and people who they've abducted.

You were in deep thought until you heard a knock on your door. You quickly scan the door to see who was on the other side. You saw it was just Zane and you felt the connection inside you again. "Come in Zane!" you said and the door opens. "You felt my presence?" he asks with a smile and closes it behind him.

"No, I scanned the door. But yes, I felt you were there." you blushed as you stood up and went over to him. "So, what's up?" you asked with a smile and wrapped your arms around his torso. Zane's eyes widened when you did that then his expression turned into a confused one. He looked up at the ceiling and you chuckled. "The ceiling is up. Lights too."

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