~Chapter Eleven~

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"Today's the day guys!! The gauntlets are gonna be made!" Jay tells everyone. You all cheer as excited as you all were. "So! One thing before you all can go do whatever, i just need you all to hold this small piece of venge stone and put a little bit of your elemental powers in it. For the awesome punch and blast attacks!!" he says giving each of the ninja a pebble.

When each of the pebble had a little of their elements in it, the ninja returned it back to Jay. "Thaaannkkkk you! And that is all!" he says and the others look at each other and shrug before leaving you, Jay, and Zane.

"So do you need help with the schematics?" Zane asks him. Jay shakes his head then flips the pencil in his hand. "I got it for now! I'll let you know when I need help." he says with a grin. "What about m-" "Ah ah ah! I got this!!!" he cuts you off and you just let it go. "Uh alright. See you Jay." you said leaving the bridge to the deck with Zane next to you.

"What's got him all independent?" "Who knows. Jay is Jay." Zane says with a shrug. "True." "But while Jay is working on the gauntlets, would you like me to help you control your droid side?" Zane offered. You smile and nod and he grins.

"So what do I do first?" Zane sits down, criss crossed on the floor deck and you do the same. "If you want to get in control with your body, you must first get in control of your mind. Meditating is the best way to do this." you nod and put your hands together and close your eyes.

"Just relax, breathe, and connect with your internal computer." you heard Zane with a soft voice. You do as told and breathe in, and out.

In and out.

In and out.

You then opened your eyes and everything was light blue. Numbers, letters, words, statistics everywhere. "W-what is this? Is this my internal computer??" you wonder looking around. "Probably. Can you hear me?" you heard Zane's voice. "Yes, but where are you??" "You're in the subconscious in your mind, I'm not in it. You can hear me because your brain is still aware of whats going on in reality. So you're still conscious, thankfully."

"Oh...I see. Now what? Why is everything just...all over the place?" "You've never organized it. You've never really used your abilities." you sigh, "Then i've got a lot to do." "On the bright side, you might discover some functions that you never knew you could do!"

"How do I 'organize my thoughts'" "Quite simple! Just think about, or tell yourself what exactly you want to do!" "That is not very specific Zane." "Try it." you look around you and knew you probably just needed to get things in folders. But you had no idea exactly what you had.

'Well guess as a test, I want everything i know about, Borg Industries in one spot.' you said in your head. Just then you saw a folder labeled, Borg Industries, and everything go into it. When it closed you went over to it and pressed it. Then it popped open and all around you were memories, and information. 'Wow.' you said with a smile.

You pressed the folder again and everything returned as it closed. From there you organized everything with ease. From things you had from the ninja to Zane, everything was in a folder. "How are you doing there?" you heard Zane's voice. "Pretty good thanks to you! Everything just flies to where I want it to go! Almost done I just have one last one to make." you responded.

The last group you made was probably going to be a big one. A folder on your family. Once it was made you pressed it and decided to go through it. You smiled as you scrolled through the different memories with one swipe of your hand. All of you complete.

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