The Make-Out Session

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Your P.O.V

Holy shit. Was I falling in love with a mad man?

I guess I was.

All of a sudden I was interrupted from my deep thoughts by a ding coming from my phone

'It's me, your one and only'

"Who the fuck is this dude"

I responded to the text message quite rapidly

'Uhh wrong number, buddy.'

I was expecting a slow response but it's almost as if the person knew what I was gonna say before I even typed it in

'Mister J sound familiar to you?'

Holy shit. How did he find my number

'How did you find my number?' I responded, waiting anxiously for his response

'Like I said sweet heart; A magician never reveals his secret.'

I was about ready to just explode of frustration. Deciding not to respond for a while, my phone kept ringing.

He was now trying to call me.


"I miss you" Joker sounded as if he was yearning for water

"...I have nothing to say about that"  My voice was very tempted to tremble

"Then don't." Hearing a dark yet seductive chuckle coming from him, he continued with his sentence "Meet me at this club at exactly 10pm" And with that, he sent me an address to the club he was implying to

He hung up.

"There's ten minutes till the clock strikes ten"

"Why do I always get last-minute calls?"

And with that, I drove to the destination I was needed at

I continued my drive until I received a message from the Joker himself.

'Stop here'

'How did you know where I was?' My heart rate increased a bit

'Get out of the car and walk to the third building forward'

Being scared, I followed his command and walked to the destination

I caught a quick glimpse of the entrance and saw someone wearing a maroon tux look my direction before walking inside

Of course, I followed the person.

'I see you'

Okay at this point, the creepy messages Joker sends have to STOP!

The door was already open. I could hear club music coming from the inside

Walking in, the walls were platinum and gold with so many people. It was very difficult to pass by

Then it hit me.

The person I glanced at was Joker.
How do I know this?


"JOKER." I shouted loud enough for him to hear

And he did. He exposed a creepy grin as he made his way to me

"You arrived"

"Obviously" responding to him, I sent a rather teasingly smirk which got him excited

"Oh, am I happy to see you" Joker did his signature laugh, sending shivers down my spine

"Why don't I introduce you to my companions?" He mentioned, leading me to the table he was just at

Damn it was loud in there. I was hoping he would take us somewhere quiet

"Ladies and Gentlemen" Joker shouted for everyone to hear "May I introduce you to my lovely, and beautiful friend, (Y/N)?" He chuckled rather mischievously

I couldn't help but to blush at his remark about me being beautiful

"She sure is a beauty" One of Joker's friends noted

There was a short yet awkward silence and by the looks of it, Joker was furious

That's when he took out a blade and jabbed it into the man's hand  "Only I can call her beautiful!" Joker declared, growling at him while remaining with a serious-terrifying stare

I widened my eyes but was not so surprised at the situation.

The man began screaming in agonizing pain, examining the stab in his hand

"Get him out of here" Joker stated, rolling his eyes

Two men helped the now-injured man to a medic, while the other people got up and left in panic

"It's just us." Joker remarked

"I noticed, since you stabbed him" Chuckling lightly, Joker gave a slight smirk

"Follow me" It was almost as if Joker's voice had drugged me into following his commands

Soon, we were underground where there were pipes and all sorts of other machines

"It's too noisy up there and crowded" He said, biting his lip gently as he studied my body "No one will hear your delicate voice shouting for mercy" Joker once again showed a grin

I hope he was joking about that.

Opening my mouth to speak, I was caught off guard as Joker rammed his lips onto mine with such force

"(Y/N), I love you. Everything about you makes me so..." He leaned her lips to my ear and continued his sentence with a whisper "intrigued"

"Shut up and keep kissing me, you lunatic" I mentioned with a smug look on my face

"What was that?" Joker noted as he picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist continuing to passionately kiss me

I could feel Joker's grin being planted on to my lips

We continued kissing for a few minutes until he rested his forehead on mine as we both attempted catching our breathes after breaking the long kiss

"I can't wait to show you my-"

Joker was interrupted by the door slamming open by one of the body guards

"What do you want!" Rapidly taking out his gun, Joker aimed it at the guard as his patience grew short

"S-Sir! M-Ms. Quinn is here!"

All of a sudden, Joker's grip on me loosened

Who's this 'Quinn' they speak of?

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