Chapter 5

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Judging by the company this guy came with and the look on Lorenzo's face, I was guessing this was his asshole of an ex.

And his former Alpha.

I kept my body relaxed even as I didn't move any farther into the tent.

If shit hit the fan, we needed to get out quickly.

Three against the two of us was one thing.

Two against four, one of them an Alpha, was something only an idiot would decide to engage in if they had a choice.

And I was no idiot.

Lorenzo didn't take a step closer either, though he did take one to the side so I wasn't blocking him.

I had the urge to sidestep right in front of him again, but I was sure he wouldn't appreciate it.

I understood the need to look strong right now.

"What are you doing here?" Lorenzo asked after a pregnant pause.

Haas was a big guy, maybe a couple inches shorter than me. He skin was a deep, even tan and his features had an exotic cast to them,with a blade of a nose and large, liquid eyes.

He was also in excellent shape, as all Alphas were.

The position wasn't hereditary after all.

You still had to be able to physically keep it.

There were those that people followed into old age because they were such excellent leaders, but even those Alphas originally had to fight their way to the top.

He spread his arms out wide in a placating gesture.

"I just thought I'd come down here and offer you a place in the pack again. You can't have gotten a better offer while you were here."

When Lorenzo failed to respond, he dropped his arms.

"Come on, Lor. Don't be stupid. Don't let your emotions stop you from making a logical decision."

That brought an incredulous snort out of Lorenzo.

"You send the three stooges here to assault me. Twice. You demoted me and gave me shit assignments after we broke up because you were bitter. Why the hell would going back to your pack make any kind of logical sense for me?"

Haas's face hardened.

"Because nobody else will have you once I tell them how you betrayed me."

"Please. That was personal. And we'd already broken up. Get over it already! What are you, five?"

Lorenzo sounded completely disgusted at this point and I couldn't blame him.

"You think anyone will care what you have to say if I say you betrayed the pack?" he countered silkily. He let that sink in fora moment. "Look, we both know where it is you belong. Stop fighting it so hard." He glanced over at me, frowning a little. "Or is it someone else that's turning you away from us?"

"You're enough on your own," Lorenzo said quietly.

"Hmm." Haas gave me a hard stare. I stared back at him, not giving him a reaction. "Tell you what, I'll throw in an offer for your friend too, if that's what's holding you back. You won't get a better deal." He smiled thinly. "I guarantee it."

Lorenzo and I stepped to the side as he and his men started for the exit, the stooges, as Lorenzo had called them, glaring at us as they followed their Alpha out.

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