Chapter 4

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The next morning Louis awoke it an empty house.

He'd gotten up, arching his back, hearing the loud crack of his back as the tension in his muscles were released, wincing at the pain in his ass and spine, a reminder of the night before. Louis then went to the restroom to take a piss before walking down the hallway towards his mother's master bedroom, finding it empty. He then made his way downstairs, finding the living room and kitchen empty, and the front door unlocked, as his mother always did when leaving when she was drunk or hungover. Louis made his way to the bathroom to shower, turning the water on for it to hear up before looking in the mirror to find a bruise around his left eye, then sighing and scrubbing his hands down his face before slipping in the shower, hissing at the hot spray hit the self-marred skin on his thighs.
Two hours later Louis finds himself texting Harry again, who he found was really good at pretending things never happened, instead they were flirting through text.

Do you have a Skype?


Skype in a bit?

Sure, attaching his Skype user name.

So that's how Louis found himself Skyping someone who lived five feet away, literally. Louis has lugged himself out of bed, turning his computer on the desk, (the damned thing took forever to start), before rushing to the bathroom to make himself look decent, shamefully applying his mother's make up over his eye so Harry wouldn't know how the previous night ended. And within fifteen minutes Louis was logged into his Skype, quickly changing his public status to invisible before anyone else noticed he was online, before checking his notifications and excepting the contact request from hstyles21, watching Harry's contact details load with a profile of him and that Niall kid with their tongues out, (no, that was not meant to be dirty, perves). Louis then quickly moved the mouse over the graph-looking-thing so he could adjust his shitty webcam and lighting, quickly checking his mic quality and stereo quality, turning it up a few notches. Moments after Louis got a message from Harry.

Can you Skype rn?

Louis found it a bit funny that Harry used proper wording for everything except rn, bc, and idk.

Yeah, call whenever u want.

Just seconds later Louis heard the familiar, annoying, yet catchy, he could totally wiggle his finger to that shit, Skype ringtone, before clicking the answer with video button. Moments later Harry appeared on the screen, appearing to be adjusting his camera, wearing small headset with the mic trailing to his lips. When Harry saw Louis on the screen he startled a bit before flashing Louis a small lopsided grin, (due to the camera), that Louis may or may not have blushed at, no one has to know, thanks to his shitty webcam, before returning to adjust his camera for a moment before facing Louis with a finally centered camera.

“Hey,” Harry began, the same grin on his face. His voice was slightly gravely because of the webcam quality.

“Hi,” Louis replied awkwardly, lifting his hand swaying it slightly in a wave type gesture, a small smile on his face.

“So....” Harry trailed off, “What have you been up to?”

Somehow, that broke the awkward tension as Louis began to talk about This Lullaby and Harry told him he'd finally gotten himself up to reading the book everyone's been talking about, The Fault in Our Stars to which Louis responded to with a fake gasp because how is that even possible? And had ended with them discussing their love for Perks of Being a Wallflower, and not until Louis found Harry had missed a bunch of details, with Harry finally admitting he had only seen the movie, and Louis giving a dramatic I'm done with you Harold, you're /hopeless/ throwing sweater-clad arms in the air, earning an Oi, my name is not Harold! from the boy himself.

It was easy conversation, which Louis hadn't had in a while. Most conversations came with Louis wanting to bash his head into a wall because either the person had zero common interests with Louis, or they were too fake, a girl who giggled to much, a guy trying to seem cooler by acting like he didn't care about anything, (Zayn was the one person who could pull that off, because he literally didn't give a fuck about anything), and it was all so irritating because that was literally everyone, except Harry, and maybe Zayn, but Harry was definitely different.

But all good things come to an end, insert dramatic sigh, and Harry had to go, as Louis actually heard Harry's mom call him for lunch, so he knew it wasn't an excuse to get rid of him, which was nice. So, Harry said the typical, talk later, getting a nod from Louis, scrambling from his chair and bounding towards the door (his camera took some time to turn off), and Louis did not look at his ass, he didn't.
Later around six Louis' mother got home, not even acknowledging Louis, she drunkenly made her way to her room, passing out on her bed. Louis let a sigh of relief, he got a break for the day.
Louis and Harry continued texting through the evening, with Louis demanding that Harry actually read Perks of Being a Wallflower instead of being a lazy ass, to which he got an exaggerated Hey and Louis didn't know how you could exaggerate through text but okay. Louis ended up failing, because Harry sucks, not like that, pervert.

At around midnight Harry went to bed, claiming he wasn't used to the freedom of staying up and sleeping in until whenever. And Yeah, Louis kind of forgot Harry was a normal person, and normal people don't stay up until three am on weekdays apparently. So, Louis wished him goodnight, (don't let the bed bugs bite. - I'm not four! - Whatever you say Harold- My name isn't actually Harold!- Go to sleep Harry) before finally getting off of his ass and taking care of his personal hygiene, it's important, you know, showering and brushing his teeth before crawling into bed, grabbing the pen as he did.
Louis had sat there for about an hour, he thinks, he hadn't bothered to check the time, it was late enough, twirling the pen in his hand. He found it funny, the pen was a completely normal pen, but Louis made it into a part of his psychotic little ritual.

Because you're crazy.

You're crazy.

You're fat.

You're worthless.

Louis vaguely realized he hadn't taken it out on himself that night, instead on the wall, and there would be no trace of it. No trace or scars showing his feelings, just a blank wall, like he had never done anything to it, like he was never there. Louis was crying now, partly because of the bad thoughts overcoming him, partly because he realized, he had feelings for Harry.

Louis wished his eyes were like the pen and his tears were like ink, wished the written words and drawing his sadness, wished it would just be his eyes, no tears, no red eyes, no trace of his feelings, just eyes, normal eyes.

No one would suspect a thing.

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