Chapter 1

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A/N: Short, but this is basically a second prologue, it will get longer i promise. 

Dedicated to @Styles_Tomlinson_123 because one of my favorite authors.


Harry had gotten home really late that night.

He had been at Niall's 'studying for a huge exam they had on Friday' also known as playing video games and being prepared to whip out a book and pretend they were actually studying every time Niall's mother came into the room to check on them.

Now, Harry was home, and it was past midnight, and he still had to shower, because yes, he liked showering at night over before school, which would end up him going to school looking like a wet dog. So Harry didn't end up going to bed until around 12:30, and yes, he did need that long to shower, who cares if he's a boy, don't be so sexist. So he finally plopped down onto his bed, exhausted, when he heard some light scratching on the other side of the wall, he shot up, perplexed. Harry's moves were a bit stupid, if he was honest. He shot out of bed and turned the light on, pressing his ear to the wall and-


Harry couldn't help but wonder what the scratching was as he drifted off to sleep.


School was a different story for Louis.

He would wake up at around seven thirty, after only three hours of sleep, and shower. He'd go on with his routine before meeting his family for breakfast, avoiding his mother's gaze at all times, and grabbing a Red Bull, before rushing out the door to catch the bus. He usually saw Harry there too, who was always there before him, and they'd chit chat for a bit until the bus came and then they didn't acknowledge each other in school, because Louis was in with the 'popular group' and Harry much preferred hanging out with Liam who was well-known as the smartest kid in school, and also the quietest. Louis wished he could have that kind of company, quiet, but could pop a good converstation when needed, as Harry's said. He also wondered if Harry realized he'd trade places with him in a heartbeat. 


School always went by, boring and slow, and most of all, annoying as fuck. Especially since Louis hated 99% of the people he socialized with and more so because girls liked throwing themselves at him and Louis wondered if he'd made it obvious enough that he liked dick. Louis had even went as far as snogging Zayn and some guy named Ryan at Greg's party once, just to make a point, but everyone just thought Louis was drunk and he was beginning to think he could scream I'M GAY off the fucking rooftops and people would still think he liked vagina, ew.

Louis thought Harry was really pretty though, and he was pretty sure everyone else did too, so he mentally slapped himself for liking someone who was out of his league, everyone was out of his league.


Louis was really good at making shit up, like seriously, he could write a book or something, How to Make People Fuck Off Without Them Knowing, by Louis Tomlinson. He could totally do that.

But he really did need the excuse skill or he'd probably have to hang out with people every waking minute of his life and he'd rather kill himself (Though, he'd rather kill himself than do a lot of things, but still), than to socialize with people from his school, or anyone really. Louis would much rather spend his time reading or thinking about ways to kill himself, if he ever got the courage.


That night Louis decided to write his thoughts again, deciding on doing it earlier than the previous because basically scratching the walls past midnight when normal people were trying to sleep was basically asking to piss someone off. He vaguely thought of this becoming a daily thing.





Were now on both his skin and thighs, alternated. Louis supposed it was better than it all being in red.

What Louis didn't know about was the boy with his ear pressed to the wall, listening intently to the scratching, as if somehow he could tell what was being written.


Harry could tell the scratching was angry, he didn't know at what exactly, but he could hear Louis' broken sobs through the wall, and it broke his heart. He just suspected Louis had a bad day, because everyone had those.

Oh, how wrong he was.

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