Chapter 3

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A/N: Oh hello early 1.8K unedited update. Wassup how ya feel.

Dedicated to my baby Aysha


 “What?” Louis said, like the idiot he was.

“Could I please get your number, I really like talking to you.” Harry said smoothly, but Louis sensed the underlying awkwardness by seeing the light blush tinting his cheeks.

So Louis did.


Hey Louis, it's Harry.

And really, who actually uses proper punctuation in a text? It was only 15 minutes after Louis had gotten home, and he'd been laying face-down on the bed, hoping he'd suffocate.

Hey Harry. What's up? :)

Louis stared at the text for about five minutes contemplating whether or not to leave the smiley (because the smiley might seem too forward and without the smiley he may seem disinterested, God, he was such a girl) but settled with the smiley because he's a fucking rebel. (maybe he should sleep more, his thoughts sound high, wait, thoughts don't have a thought what, yeah he really needed sleep.)

The response came two minutes later. I've actually just gotten out of my uniform. Who came up with those seriously?

And Louis understood that, they had scratchy ass tacky ass uniforms ass ass ass what was Louis doing with his life. But really, the uniforms were really uncomfortable and distasteful and he was always relieved to throw them off and throw on (why do they say throw, Louis didn't recall ever throwing on clothing, now that would be much easier) sweats and a sweatshirt.

I know what you mean, mate. I hate those damned things.

Now Louis was contemplating the 'mate' part in it because he feels like he'd be friend-zoning Harry and why did it even matter it's not like Harry would ever go for him. Louis just needed to relax and breathe and pretend her was texting his mother, wait no that'd make things very awkward. Louis just took out the mate part and hoped the world didn't explode because of it, he was not a drama queen, no, before locking the screen.

The next few hours consisted of discussion of their favorite music and movies because even though Harry would sometimes come over and they'd speak while waiting for the bus, they didn't know each other very well. Louis decided he really liked knowing things about Harry. They actually had a lot of the music in common, which was pretty unexpected considering Louis listened to the most depressing shit around. But Louis liked finally finding someone who didn't think he was weird for his music taste. A few hours later, Harry had to go eat dinner, and Louis had to make dinner, because apparently his mother couldn't do it herself even though she's off today.


Later that night, also known as five am, Louis was writing on the walls again.

Why do I have to be gay?

Why doesn't my own mother love me?

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