Chapter 1- Sethos, The Ever Cocky Wolf

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Alpha Stephanos Lykoudis's POV (17 years of age):

Sethos roared so loudly that the windows in the room rattled. I think my wolf just loves to intimidate people. Being the alpha male, he demands respect and loves to instill fear in people. Personally I think he is a plain asshole. >I heard that, you dick. <Yup that's my wolf for you.

I pushed back Sethos as the messenger who came in with the news of the rogues was shaking after hearing Sethos's roar.

I took a breath and calmed down. Looking into the messenger's eyes I said "you can leave now Phelix. Keep me updated on the issue."

" Alpha." Said Phelix and sprinted towards the door of the office probably because he did not want to encounter Sethos once again.

>Markos, Atlas...!! In my office now....!!< I mind linked my Beta and third-in-command.

I looked around my office and saw the broken vase>Seriously Sethos...?! I just had this vase delivered like, a month ago. <

>What..??<Sethos asked innocently.

>Never mind. You are an animal and you would not understand so... no point lecturing you about it. <I sighed dejectedly.

>Oh, I understand everything, you human. How can you like that vase...??! It was so damn glittery and girly..!! I didn't know what that old lady thought when she chose it. <Sethos exclaimed like it would make me forget that he called our grandmother old lady. If she would have heard it, she would have flicked Sethos' forehead. I can just imagine him whining after that.

> I do not care if the vase was glittery or "girly" as you put it, but you need to control your anger Sethos. You know what pointed out about our anger. There are children around and we are still unknown as to what more power do we possess. We do not want to harm our pack just because you could not control your anger. <I explained to Sethos hoping he would get my point.

> Okay Steve... You know I meant no harm. I just got angry when I heard about the news of the rogues camping around our borders. You know they are vile creatures that need to be killed and not just killed, they need to be tortured and.....<Sethos continued his ranting about the rogues.

> Stop calling me that....!!!! You know that name sounds so American... And I think that you were dropped as a child. You have such violent thoughts. Your imagination triumphs above Father. And that is saying something because Father has very violent and creative thoughts. <I rolled my eyes.

As my eyes got into focus, I saw Atlas and Markos already sitting in the chair waiting for me.

"Sorry guys. Sethos lost control again and I was trying to explain him that we need to keep our anger in check so we don't harm any pack members" I explained them as to why I was rolling my eyes and sighing silently.

"It's okay Alpha, we get that Alpha Sethos loses control sometimes" Atlas said without knowing that my wolf was not happy with that comment.

Sethos growled and my eyes shifted to red color of my wolf's eyes.

>TELL ATLAS TO CONTROL HIS TONGUE BEFORE I RIP HIM A NEW ONE. < Sethos growled out the words while trying to take control and teach Atlas a lesson.

>ENOUGH SETHOS...!!!!!!!!! WE HAD A TALK ABOUT THIS. YOU CANNOT ACT ARROGANT ALL THE TIME. JUST BECAUSE WE WERE GIVEN A TITLE OF ALPHA, IT DOES NOT MEAN WE GET TO ACT LIKE WE ARE THE KING OF THE WORLD.<I growled back loudly to Sethos knowing it was high time he knows that he cannot act like a spoiled brat.

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