Chapter 8- Goodbyes and Hello Mate.!

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Watching Martin bury Susan's body was like a knife twisting in my gut. If only I was strong enough, then Susan would be with us. If only I could have summoned my power earlier, Susan wouldn't have had her throat slit.

Travon was right. I will always be that weak little girl who couldn't protect anyone.

"Don't blame yourself Amethyst... Its not your fault. We knew what we were getting ourselves into when we went against that monster. We wanted a better life for yourself, better than that monster had planned for you" Martin said lowly.

"We had promised your mother that we would protect you. If any one is at fault, its us." He said regretfully.

His last sentence caught my attention. I was shocked. Martin and Susan knew my mother. Trembling slightly from the news, I looked towards Martin hoping he would elaborate.

"Your mother came to our cottage just after she gave birth to you. You were bloodied. We knew that she had just given birth to you but we could feel your power hissing around you. At first, we thought there was a mistake but given Zena and your father's heritage it became clear to us that you were special."

"I am sorry Amethyst but I cannot say more about it. But know that Zena loved you with her whole heart. She would have been proud that you are doing this, being strong." He ended with a twitch of a smile.

"Come on we have to go before that monster knows what has happened." With that he turns and starts to walk towards the border. I follow him leisurely, the air thick with sadness around us.

"I am sorry Martin. I hope you forgive me for what happened to Susan..." I sniffled at the end, guilt heavy in my heart.

Martin turned towards me and took my hands in his.

"Amethyst I will never blame you on this. It was not your fault that the monster captured you. It was not your fault that you were tortured. It was not your fault that Zena is no more. It was not your fault that Susan is d... dead. I hope that you will believe it because I say it with my whole life because it's the truth." Martin croaked out in the end.

We walked endlessly towards the border. Neither of us knew what we could say to make each other better. Chills ran down my spine as we neared the wards. The power within them was impeccable.

The wards were created by powerful witches that protect the territory as per the treaty between them and the alphas of the pack. In return of this, the alphas protect them and no harm comes to them. The wards are meant to secure the territory and stop the wandering humans from figuring out the secret. When they cross the wards, all they will see is waterfall. Nobody would dare to cross the waterfall in their right mind.

Energy rippled within us when we crossed the wards.

"Amethyst... I want you to go south. There is a stream, wash off your scent and I will get the wolves off your tail. You keep going south, there is a small human town and its half day walk from here. Go there, you will be safe there. No harm will come to you and the princess. I will find you. I promise you that. You are just like my daughter and fathers always protect their pup." He cupped my face and placed a kiss on my forehead.

I looked at him wide-eyed, so many emotions swirling inside of me.

"Remember honey, you are strong and you have survived all of this. Susan and Zena both would be so proud of you. Now hurry go."

I steadied the bag on my shoulder and started walking south. Looking back towards Martin, sniffling. He gave a small smile and then turned back going to the wards.

I have been walking since morning and its evening now. I washed off my scent as instructed by Martin. I burnt that clothes by the stream so no one could find me through my scent.

It's still gripping to see the rays touch my skin and giving such warmth. I occasionally saw the sunlight when I was let out by that monster when he wanted me to try practicing seeing as the cell was not very well appropriate for performing magic.

I have been feeling this abdominal pain since an hour and now its has increased in frequency.

I could see a waterfall and beside it there was a cave. I started walking towards it to see if there is anyone there. I reached the entrance of the cave and searched if I can feel anyone inside. Within entering the cave, the pain started again.

One particular had me almost tripping and loose my balance. Biting back a scream, I steadied myself on the wall and gripped my stomach hoping princess is ok.

"Our pup is ok..." I heard a whisper echoing like someone said it in my ear.

"Who's there!!?? Show yourself..." I took out the knife that Martin gave me. It was laced with silver and silver was a kryptonite to every supernatural.

Looking wildly around, I searched for the source while putting a protective hand over my stomach.

"Calm little one... You stressing is not good for the pup. Nothing is wrong. You are going into labour.

I am your Lycan. I have been dormant, waiting for the right time to make an appearance. I am you. I reside in your brain.

Now stop wasting time. Our pup is coming." She yipped excitedly.

Still apprehensive, I checked my surroundings using my senses to see if what the voice was saying was true or not. Not finding anyone, I calmed my racing heart down.

Just as I took a step inside, I heard a splash. Susan told me about it. My water just broke.

I started taking deep breathes hoping the pain would subside. I counted the time between the contractions. Well looked like the princess was about to make her appearance soon.

I started taking out towels from the bag. I put one towel beside me, took off my hood and sweats and laid the other towel down and sat on it.

Princess looked very eager to meet her mommy. She was already pushing down. I couldn't figure out who was more eager.

*Six Hours Later*

Everything I went through was worth it. That's the only though going in my mind while seeing the little bundle of joy in my arms. She just looks like me. I am glad that she looks nothing like that monster, not that it would lessen my love towards her.

Black wisps of hair, same amethyst eyes as me though she has a golden ring outside of it. Thea, the only name I could think of my princess. She is indeed a gift from goddess. I just breast feed her and she is sleeping now with a contented look on her face. Seeing her I know that I will not let Travon get to her. Never will that monster dare lay a finger on her. Her Lycan growled agreeing with her.

I felt someone coming close through my senses. They were trying not to make a sound and they were successful but now that I have started using my powers, it almost feels like a natural instinct without even having to do anything.

I saw their silhouette entering the cave and the anger rolling off him in waves. It's a male from the build and a powerful supernatural from his aura. Our eyes met and I felt the pull. I saw the emotions shifting in his eyes and his soul calling out to me. These emotions were unfamiliar and it put me on edge.

It was him. Kyros. Stephanos. Putting down Thea, I advanced towards him.

"I found you..." dizziness shot through me, the events catching up to me. He caught me just before I hit the floor. The last thought before I left consciousness was, I hope he accepts me and Thea.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2018 ⏰

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