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Chapter 1:

Bella's POV:

"UGGGHHH!!!!!!Why does a cute guy like Niall love Kathy?" I accidentally threw my phone across my room after seeing a picture of Niall Horan and his girlfriend,Kathy,on Instagram. "She's so ugly!" I glared at my best friend, Alyssa. "Why do you even like Niall? I hate boys", Alyssa said to me. I responded with a dead stare. I always had a crush on Niall since first grade. I was going to ask him out in eighth grade, but Niall already asked Kathy out. I have always hated Kathy ever since. I can't stop thinking about the day Kathy stole my dream guy. "I HATE Kathy so much!!! She took Niall from me", I screamed. "Maybe you should threaten Kathy to get Niall back", Alyssa said. "That's exactly what I'm going to do", I responded with an evil cackle.

Kathy's POV:

"Hey Niall! Look at this comment" I said to my superstar boyfriend. "What happened babe?", Niall came over and put his arm around me. I read the comment aloud so Niall could hear it. "I'm going to get revenge on you Kathy for stealing MY Niall", I read with a worried tone. "Don't worry Kathy, no one can do anything to you as long as I'm here", Niall said before kissing me on the cheek and heading over to Harry and his girlfriend, Christina. But I was still worried. Kathy HATES me.

Christina's POV:

Niall walked over to Harry and I and I decided to leave the two friends alone. As I walked over to Louis and his girlfriend, Emily, I heard Harry say to Niall that he interrupted our moment. He's so CUTE!!!!!!! I love him so much!!!! As I blushed, Emily started to tease me. "So were you having fun snuggling up with Harry? Huh?" Emily said with a laugh. I walked out the kitchen embarrassed. I decided to go and sit with Kathy. She was looking at her IPad all worried. "What's wrong Kathy?" I asked her looking at her pale face. "What!!! Oh, nothing!", she said quickly locking her IPad. I turned her IPad back on and read the comment she was zoomed in on. "What!!!!!!" I yelled.

Harry's POV:

I ran over to where Christina was, panicking. Niall, Louis, Emily, Zayn, Perrie, and Liam ran after me. We all looked at Christina and Kathy worried. "What happened?!?!" I asked Christina. "Look at this comment Bella posted on Kathy and Niall's picture", she answered pointing at the IPad screen. We all read the comment from Bella and all yelled "WHAT?!?!" except for Niall and Kathy. "You should be careful Kathy", Perrie said glancing at the comment and then at Kathy. "Yeah!" we yelled.

     I will try to update pretty soon. But I hope you all are enjoying my story so far. Keep reading!!!!!!!!!!!    


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