aleginces!!!!!!11!1!!1 buy junprpol!!!111111!

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LEDR- BUROWSTR- gry tum w' gr eies (sparklefur's dead)

DEPUTI- MURSHFWN- brun sh-ecut w' yelow eies (sparkleFur's moom)

MEDISIN CUTS- SOLMNSUNG- blk sh-i cut wth gren eies PULTPULT- blk n wit tum w' yllow eies

WRRIORS- SPURKLEFUR- purpl se-cut wit ponk dotz n rabow ety

PRETIKITI - a pretty cat with blue eyes and unique turquoise fur (sprklFur's frand)

LAFPLT- whit tum w gold eies (apritnce, brnchpwe, cram culored shi-cut w' blu-purpl eis)

BESTIG- yelow nd blak tom wth back ez

FOFFIPENT- blu gry tum w hansum gry eies (spakleFis' 1st M8)

MUNLICUT- ten tum w' blu eies (spurlkefurs 2nd m8; aprenti cea, Cludpew, gry an whit tum w ambr eys)

QUINS- WIND- ambur tby shi-cut w' ambr eys (muthr 2 beestin's ket, bob, a brwn tum w blk eis n a buldr het)

ULDRS- MOUSSEMEDOW- brown shiket w' gry eies

PURDI- imortal cut

IMBIX- orng sh-cut w blu eis (a murtal purdie jendrbunt)

GRNET- brwn-rid shi ket w halze eis


LEDR- FALLNSTUR- rud-brwn tby sh-cut w' bu eis

DEPUTEE- DURKPEULT- bluk n' orng tum w bu gren ies w 666 daples

MEDICIN KAT- GORSFETHR- whiit agendr cut w' gren ies (prfurs masculin pronuns; aprentce, Kurstrelpwe, gry duppled si cur w' brue eis)

WURRIRS- BLWUSKIS- bu-gry shi-kat w' blu eies (aprntice, ZIninapw, whit an brwn shikiet w 1 gry eis)

STRUNGCLUE- whit tum w bleck pws n hezl eys (spaklefir's 3rd m8)

NUGHTHURT- bluckshi kjet w yelow eyis (Darcpult's frund)

SHININSTIRM- gry shi ket w gims un pel n gol eis

PREFIXSUFFIX- rundum descripton tum

URFACE- flam colrd tum w 666 fir eis

QUNES- SKIEFLOWR- gry sh-ikat wi ambr eys (xpectin PrifixSufix's kets)

ELDURS- DUKGRAP- yelow tum w pirpl eis

AMETHEST- purpl-gyr sh-ket w purpl eis


LEDR- BREZSRR- gry brwn tum w hazl eis

DEPUTIE- BURROAST- burn rid tum w r eis

MEDICJK CJKIOLAH- TWILITKIETI- sunsit culored shickat w red eis

WURRIES- JEWLFLURE - lnghared red shect with jewl gren eyes

BWICK- brik rid tum w gry eis

DEDTHRSH- rid n light gay tby shi-ket w blu eis (aprentci, Wull, a tann tum w gry eis)

PERFICTRAN- gry tum w a tuxeo un n ambr eis (sPierklwefrjs's 4th m8)

JEMSHIN- penk sprikly shi ket w ranbow ies 9 spirklfris'friend0

QWENS- HOLETAIL- gingr tebe shi ket w blend gren eis (mom 2 Bwuzkj's kets, , Sunkist, orang shi-kiet w gry eis n Molkiet, brwun tum w oliv gren eys)

ELDEJSHF- PURL- pal gry shi ket w blu eis

ULGIKAT- ugly tom


LEDR- YOUTUBSTAR- [ug colrd shi et w durk brwon eies

DE{OUT- HUNSUMPUET- wedd tem w ambr eyies (spakleFis's 21st m8)

MEDICIN KATS- PINTEAL- wit tyum w ruset strips an on gry es an 1 bu ei

DWNFLANK- yelo tum w no eis

QURIORS- SHUMROK- gren shi ket w gren eis

PIELEF- gry tum w pi eis 9spaklefur's frind)

MODHURT- silvr tum w pulpl eis (preting, Gery, bliek n gol tum w brwn eis

DUKI MOMO- yelo tum w red ies (aprentice, Mospew, blek shiket w blu eis)

UEESN- INSET NAM HERE- insurt descripetion her shi ket (xpecnting pilegf's kets)

ELDRS- STUVEN- brun tubby tum w curli fir n 21 strips on pelt

LOL- whit a silvr shiket w rey eis

SHELPULT- silvr trans feml w gry eis


LEDR- EVELSTIR/URFACE- blak tum w red eis

DEPUTI- EVIELTAL- gry shi ket w blw eis

664 wrrors, Tigrstrip n Neghthurt




999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 wriors, inclwodin spakleFur"s fwinds

(disclaimer: all odd references are not mine, juniperpool made these)

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