Chapter 1

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Christine's POV

I mischievously grinned to myself as I walked down the staircase of my house, careful not to make any sound.

Against my wishes, a floorboard creaked under me as I tensed and waited for the shouting of anger from my parents for sneaking out again in the middle of the night.

Waiting for a few moments but hearing nothing, I sighed quietly in relief. Continuing my 'stealth mode', I stepped down the last stair and headed to the back door. I silently slipped through before running like a madman to the park.

My parents will freak once they find out I'm not in my room! I hope they won't ground me and send me to another session of helping the church...

The thought of listening to the horrible jokes of Sr. Agnes about sticks in holes almost made me stop and turn back.


I felt like this midnight breakout might do me good since I needed to get over my ex after seeing him cheat with another girl. A girl who was supposedly my favorite teacher.

Feeling a tear slip from my grey eyes made me curse under my breath but nonetheless, I kept my pace as if I was running from the image of Max kissing Ms. Arisa in her classroom.

My loose brown hair whipped around me as I ran to the direction of the park, wanting to feel its familiarity in hopes of forgetting that beast of an image.

Finally arriving at the edge of the park, I slipped my hands in the pockets of my jacket and bowed my head to hide my depressed face, casting a halo of brown hair around me. Walking quietly, my thoughts flowed in a million direction with most of it circulating around that image.

I sighed in despair. Why did he cheat on me? Was I not good enough? Would have giving him my virginity make him stay with me? Did he really just want my virginity?

So many questions, with no answers.

I stopped my walking and closed my eyes as I focused on my breathing.

Breath Christine. Just breath. Forget about him. He is not worth your tears. I whispered to myself as I willed the thoughts about him with her away.

Feeling a bit lighter, I tossed my head back and laughed as if I had just killed an innocent and was joking about it.

The thought made me think about the sticks in holes of Sr. Agnes, making me cringe in repugnance.

Was she being literal or were her jokes just a metaphor for...

My eyes widened a fraction before I willed the thought to an abys in my mind.

I started walking again, my face free from the halo of my hair as I observed my surroundings.

The full moon casted a soft glow around me, making the park seem more mysterious and enchanting at the same time.

I smiled to myself as I jumped from rock after rock in the pathway, my arms lifted on each side as I tried not to fall. Almost slipping, my arms flapped like a penguin trying to fly before I finally found my balance.

Finding an old maple tree, I approached it and climbed up before settling on a branch and leaning on the trunk.

My eyes studied the nearby fountain before a flash of blue passed at the corner of my eyes. I quickly turned my head to its direction, observing the blue-less field in confusion.

I shook my head. You're just tired Christine. You didn't actually see a blue thing flash there. I thought to myself.

I was about to look away before another flash appeared.

I quickly stood from my position, forgetting that I was on a branch and almost fell down had I not put a hand on the trunk of the tree to steady myself.

That blue thing was certainly not my imagination.

I waited for the same blue light to flash again and not long, it did. Only this time, it wasn't a flash. Now it looked like a beacon, shooting up at the sky as if it was tearing it to two pieces.

I furrowed my brows in confusion as I looked at the light that seemed to be coming from the center of the field.

How the hell did that just materialize?

I snapped out of my thoughts when a man stepped out from the blue light.

He was wearing a black uniform with three red slashes in the middle, reminding me of a commander of an army. From my position, I could distinguish his black hair and eyes.

As if sensing my staring, the man looked up at me.

My muscles tense underneath me as instinct screamed at me to run, but I was paralyze by the way the officer looked at me from head to toe before tilting his head to the side. I felt like a unique lab rat who managed to make a split midair and was being heavily observed by a scientist.

My blood ran cold when he finally grinned at me, showing a case of perfectly sharp teeth like that of a shark. Eyes widening, my heart clenched with nervousness.

He winked at me like he was sharing a secret before he muttered something under his breath and disappeared from view as if he wasn't there in the first place.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to erase the fatigue in them before casting a look on the field.


Not even a trace of blue in the sky.

I furrowed my brows together. Was I just imagining things or did that just happen?

Running through the events, I shook my head in disbelief. That could not have happen. Seems too farfetched... Besides, I've got no proof.

Making up my mind, I jumped to the ground and decided to head back home, feeling as if I've had enough adventures for one night.

Imaginative adventures. I thought to myself.

Even as I was positive about it being just that, I glanced back at the field, sensing someone was looking at me.

Though I felt like I was making sure that the blue light was not present.

A breeze flew by, making me shiver as I scolded myself for looking back, and I started to run home.

The weight of the stare didn't fade until I was out of the park.

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