Chapter 3

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Christine's POV

Lex threw the door open with so much force that I faintly heard a crack. Throwing her hands up in the air shaped into fists, she looked liked she was going to scream bloody murder.

"CUT THAT CRAP! CAN'T YOU SEE WE'RE HAVING A MOMENT HERE?! MOTHER FUCKI..." Her shouting died down as I saw her back tense.

"Honey, step back." Her voice was soft as she slowly made a step back.

Curiosity got the best of me and I stepped out, ignoring the whispering threats of Lex as I stood next to her.

"Fuck..." I muttered under my breath as I took in the scene in front of me.

Blood was everywhere, splashed onto the walls and the ceilings as they added gruesome color to the room. And as decoration, a dead body with its skull open was sprawled at the side.

But that was not what caught my attention, it was the three figures standing over a girl but were looking our way. I noticed that their skin were decaying and they had multiple fatal wound all over their body, though they weren't bleeding. Their eyes held intelligence as they looked at us in hunger.


I looked at the girl they were surrounding. She was looking at us wide eyed and was mouthing something to me. Help me.

Seeing Lex slowly back away in my peripheral view made me do the same as we eyed the people in front of us.

Noticing that we were getting farther away, the three people made a move to approach us. In my moment of panic, I accidentally stepped on something. Looking down cautiously on my feet, I observed the puddle of blood in horror.

Sensing something, I looked up just in time to see one of the three pounce on me. With reflexes I hadn't had before, I crouched down as he sailed over me.

"RUN!" Lex shouted as she made a move to the elevators.

I quickly moved to the girl and grabbed her arm before following after her.

Lex held the doors open as we barged through. Letting it go, we watched horrified as all three of them powerwalked towards us. The doors closed just in time as they were about to get in.

I sighed in relief, but watched Lex as she pressed the emergency button, making the elevator stop its descend. She gripped her head as she paced in the small space, her eyes wide and unfocused.

"Where did they come from?" She asked shakily.

For no apparent reason, my thoughts drifted to that night. The night where the blue light flashed in the sky. I had a gut feeling that the man with the shark - like teeth was the cause of this.

I was about to tell her about it when a gasp came from behind me. Turning around, I watched in horror when blood came from the girls arm as she clutched in to her stomach. Concerned, I crouched down in front of her and made a move to grab her arm. She flinched when I held it softly and turned it around to observe the cause of her bleeding. Terror flowed inside of my body when I noticed bite marks on her arm. I stood up and made a move to step back but stopped when the girl looked at me with sadness and fear.

"She's been bitten." I said quietly as I eyed her.

"WHAT?" Lex bellowed.

The girl flinched at her outburst as I bit my lower lip in nervousness.

Feeling the need to calm Lex, I turned to face her. "Don't worry, maybe there are only three zombies here."

She looked at me in disbelief, but nonetheless focused on calming her breathing.

I glanced at the girl who looked like she was in pain before moving to the emergency button. Before I could press it, Lex slapped my hand away.

"What do you think are you doing?" She hissed at me.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "She needs medical attention", I pointed at the girl's direction with my thumb, "She might be healed if we move fast."

She glanced at her before looking at me. Sighing in defeat, she rubbed her arm. "Alright."

With her approval, I pressed the emergency button, continuing the descent of the elevator.

Reaching the ground floor, the doors dinged open, shocking me with what I saw.

People where running around as a dozen zombies powerwalked after them, hands reaching out as if they were within reach. Making sure that we were unnoticed, we grabbed the girl and walked like we were minding our own business. Suddenly, we were pushed by crowds of people as they headed to the exit. Losing my grip on the girl, I cried out for Lex's name and reached out for her. I saw her lose her grip as well on the girl and was reaching a hand in my direction, all thoughts of saving the bitten girl now gone. Moving with the crowd, I watched as she disappeared in the hordes of people. Crying out her name one last time, my hand limply fell to my sides as I ran outside with the mob.

I headed home after losing Lex and the girl, hiding behind trees and such from zombies that were chasing after humans. I sighed in despair as I thought about my best friend, but I discarded the thought as I arrived in my street.

I'm sure she's fine, Tin. She can survive on her own. I thought to myself when fear of Lex's safety crept into my mind.

The idea of her getting hurt disappeared as I ducked behind a bush, seeing a zombie pass by with something moving on its lips. I suppressed a shudder as I waited for it to pass before running to my house. Fishing a key from my pocket, I unlocked the front door and slipped inside unseen. I closed and locked the door behind me, before sliding on the floor to hug my knees.

The house was silent since my parents were on a business trip at the moment and my brother was in college. Feeling the loneliness of the house, I thought about my parents safety, then my big brother's who was like my guy best friend, and then Lex.

I closed my eyes in despair. I hope they are alright.

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