Chapter 2: The Interviews

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*Louis’s POV*

At around 12:15, we all leave our hotel so we can go to our interview with Ellen Degeneres.  When we got there, we were ushered to dressing rooms where our stylist Lou gives us clothes to wear and different make-up artists touch up our faces.  At 1:00 on the dot, Ellen goes onto the stage and does her little intro that she does on every show.  A few minutes later, she brings us on the stage.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, One Direction!” Ellen says as we walk out onto the stage where a couple hundred screaming fans are waiting for us.

We all walk over to Ellen and give her hugs and sit down on the couches laid out for us. 

She asks us simple questions, like how our career is going, how we personally like our new album and stuff like that.  Then she asks us who is single, and Liam, Harry, and Niall put their hands up.

“Well, I guess some of the fans here are really happy about this!” she says cheerfully.  “We’re going to go for a break, but when we come back, we’re going to play a game with One Direction.  We’ll be right back.”

*Chantelle’s POV*

I walk back to my dressing room and sit down on the couch.  I just finished the interview with Chelsea Handler, and I am beyond annoyed.  I mean, she asks far too many personal sexual questions!  I mean, I made it clear that I wasn’t into the whole sexual scene and that I was waiting for sex after marriage, but she kept going on and on about it!  Let me tell you, I’ll never do another interview with that woman again.

At around 12:30, one of the stage managers comes into my room.

“Hey, Chantelle.  Ellen DeGeneres is on the studio phone for you,” he says.  “Would you please follow me to the office?”

I nod and stand up.  When we reach the office where the phone is, I thank him and he leaves.  “Hello?  Ellen?” I say into the receiver.

“Hey Chantelle!  I have a big favor to ask you,” she says quickly.

“Okay, shoot.”

“Would you be willing to do a Skype call with One Direction during my show?  In, like, 45 minutes?” she asks me.

I smile at the thought.  I could have a little bit of fun with the guys before I meet them in person, and I could watch Louis squirm on television. 

“Sure Ellen.  That sounds fun,” I say.

“Awesome!  The producers in the you’re in studio already know, so I’ll give them the heads up and get them to set everything up for you.  Talk to you later!” she says.

I laugh.  “Bye, Ellen.”

I can’t wait to have some fun with the boys before I meet them.

*Louis’s POV*

When we get back from the commercial break, Ellen explains the game we’re going to play to us and the audience.

“So here’s how it’s going to work…  I will be showing you pictures of different female celebrities, and on your little white board, I want you to write down which member of One Direction you think should date her.  Got it?”  she asks.

We all nod.  I smirk, thinking about which celebrities could pop up.

“Okay, first one is… Kim Kardashian,” she says.

We all take a minute to think it over and write our answers, and then we get ready to show what we wrote. 

“Okay, let’s see it,” Ellen says when the time runs out.

Everybody, including Harry, wrote himself.  Everyone in the studio laughs, including me. 

After about five minutes of this, the last picture comes up.

“Okay, last one is… Chantelle Alexis.”

The audience goes crazy about this one.  All of us guys in the group have had a crush on her at some point during her career, but I write the one person who still has biggest crush on her.

“Let’s see it, boys,” Ellen says.

We all flash our boards, and the audience roars with laughter.  Liam, Harry, Zayn and I wrote Niall, while Niall wrote himself.

I turn to Niall who is beet red and pinch his cheeks like a granny does to their grandchild.  “You two would make the cutest babies!” I say in an obnoxious tone, which makes him become even redder.  It’s kind of true though.  They would make the cutest babies.

“So, Niall, you think you should date Chantelle?”  Ellen asks after regaining composure from laughing.

He shrugs.  “What can I say?  I admire her very much,” he says as he blushes.

“Just admire?” Harry jokes.

I laugh.  He’s had the biggest crush on her since she performed on the X-Factor a few months after she won American Idol in 2010.  That’s actually where I met her, but I never told anybody about it.

Ellen gets an evil look in her eyes.  “Niall, would you do me a favor?”

“O-okay,” he says, not sure of what Ellen is going to ask him.

“Would you look at that camera on the computer over there and tell Chantelle Alexis that you have a crush on her?” she asks.  “She’s on Skype with us.”

The rest of us burst into laughing fits while Niall just sat there, frozen and speechless as he looked at his ‘true love’ on the computer screen that was being brought onto the stage.

“Hi, Niall,” Chantelle says with a look of pure innocence on her face.

*Niall’s POV*

I turn beet red from embarrassment, but I try to keep cool.  “Hey, Chantelle.  How you doing?  You alright?” I ask with a smile as I feel the blood in my face start to cool down.

She giggles, and I swear my heart just melted.  “I’m good, now that I know a guy with an accent has a crush on me,” she says.

I laugh at this, until I hear what Harry says.

“Niall looks at pictures of you before he goes to bed,” he says next to me.

I smile and push him lightly.  “That’s a lie!” Well, it’s not exactly a lie.  I have a picture of her in my room that I glance at every night I go to bed.

She leans in closer to the camera.  “I hope you’re not alone when you look at them,” she says.

Before I could even respond, Harry speaks up.  “Oh, he’s alone.  And he’s also naked!”

I laugh at this.  “That’s not true!” I pipe up.  That was definitely a lie

“Well, I hope that I get to meet you in person soon, Niall.  You seem really adorable,” she says to me, which makes me blush all over again.  She wants to meet me!  Then she turns to the other boys.  “How are you guys?”

“Good!” They all say.  Louis smirks and looks at Chantelle.  She returns his smirk.  What’s going on?

“What are you up to over the next few months?” Harry asks her.

“I’m going over to Europe for the next few months for filming and recording.  What about you guys?” she asks.

“We’re going home tomorrow morning and next week we have a special friend moving in with us for a couple of months,” Louis says with another smirk.  What is up with that guy?

Chantelle puts a hand over her heart.  “Aww!  That is so sweet!” she says.  After a few minutes of talking with the rest of the boys, she cuts off the conversation.   “Well, I have to go, so I’ll hopefully see all of you guys soon,” she says with a wave.

I wave back.  “Bye Chantelle!”  We all yell as the screen goes blank.  I can’t help but feel flustered after that.

Wow.  I just talked to my idol and fell more deeply in love.


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