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She ran down the corridor, which was surprisingly clear save for the droids littering the floors. Anakin and Obi-Wan's doing, she presumed. Ahsoka followed his trail of dead droids to the docking bay and found the Sunset waiting for her. Ventress opened the hatch and Ahsoka sprinted up the ramp. Ventress was already leaving the bay by the time Ahsoka reached the cockpit. She pulled some impressive maneuvers to avoid the debris and as soon as they reached some empty space, Ventress jumped them to hyperspace.

Ahsoka leaned back and breathed out, unaware of the breath she'd been holding.

"Are you okay?" Ventress asked.

"Not really," Ahsoka responded with a sigh.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"The Chancellor is a Sith Lord. Darth Sidious. I managed to warn Anakin and Obi-Wan and Anakin didn't kill Dooku as Sidious ordered. So I guess there's that."

"I knew him...I never knew he'd infiltrated that far. Ahsoka, we can't go back to Courscant. Not yet, anyway. I have a few job offers, and that's where we're headed to now."

Ahsoka didn't react and she continued. "It's an assassination, so you'll be staying with the ship. Be ready to make a quick escape if we need to."


A short while later, Ventress landed the ship on some planet Ahsoka hadn't bothered to learn the name of. She meditated, but to no avail. Something was clouded, either the Force or her mind, but Ahsoka figured it was both. She didn't really know what to do so she tried sleeping until the nightmares woke her up. She ended up sitting in the pilot's seat and reading Ventress' mission dossiers. She had a whole schedule worked out, with lots of missions ahead. Deliveries, diversions, thievery...every Jedi instinct Ahsoka had told her to get out, that it was immoral and against the Jedi code. She had to remind herself over and over again that she wasn't a Jedi anymore. One might consider Ahsoka's downtime a good time for relaxing, but being left to her own thoughts really wasn't a good thing. Solitude was something Jedi were forced to face, and she didn't always mind it, but then...Ahsoka had never felt so alone.

"Ahsoka. Ahsoka!" Ventress snapped Ahsoka out of her trance.

"Wha?" she said softly.

"Ahsoka, we need to leave! Get this ship moving!"

She could hear gunfire and both of Ventress' lightsabers were drawn. She was breathing hard and had probably been running for a while.

"On it!" Ahsoka turned on the engine and shut the hangar door as they made for the sky. Once out of the planet's gravity, Ahsoka made the jump, hoping that their pursuers would be dissuaded. Ahsoka knew they couldn't be tracked through hyperspace, she just hoped that this wouldn't affect any of their future endeavors.

"Did you do it?" Ahsoka asked her.

"Of course! Here," she said as she dropped a decent amount of credits into her lap.

"Wow, I never thought I'd be able to make a living off of this. I should have left the Jedi sooner!"

"You don't mean that. Besides, no way would I have let you join me back then."

Ahsoka smiled. "So, where to next?"

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