Chapter 23♡

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*Marilyn's Point Of View *

I look at her then back at Ryan, no it couldn't be, I said under my breath, Michael looks just as suprised as I am,I just smile as she asks to come in, "no",michael saidcoldly,yes,I said looking at Michael, Ryan looks at us weird,"thank-you nice to see you guys again it's been years ",Evelyn said hugging me, she looked different nicer BUT different she now hand brown lowlights in her blonde hair it was now longer and wavier she got more of a figure now, yeah it had, I said trying to be nice, "wait you guys know Ryan's mom Ms Rudolph? ",Brandon aside looking at Michael and I, Michael just walks off, "I'm going to check on the kid's ",I was going to stop him but he already left, "yeah we went to high-school together ",she said like we were bestfriends,it was silent, "umm I didn't know about your kid's? ",uhh yeah I was pregnant with Brandon when we fo...,she cuts me off, "yeah oh I remember ",I look at her weird, yeah this is my eldest Brandon as you know and my other two Are Dylan our youngest and Jasmine out second eldest we adopted her a month ago, she nods looking a little sad but impressed, "wow how long have y'all been married again? ",15years,I said proudly, "woow that's amazing",yeah.. it is, uhh do you want something to drink? Brandon you and Ryan can go get it, they nod and walk off, "tea please!",she shouted to them, uhh follow me to the living room and sit, she nods, "so uhh is Brandon gay?  I mean Michael is in his Life isn't he? ",I look at her offended, umm yes Michael is being gay has nothing to do with parents or anything else it's your own feeling that's like asking why is your son gay,she looks at me shocked a bit, "my son isn't gay ",I look at her confused, uhh yes he is he has been dating my son for awhile now, she gets up, "I don't know what kind of sicko you are BUT my son isn't gay! ",she said raising her voice Dylan and Ryan quickly walk in, "Ryan what's this about you dating Dylan?! ",she said looking at him, he looks at Dylan then me then his mom, "uhh we aren't... I..",he looks at Dylan, "IT was a dare at first OK! then I...I realized how nice he was next thing I know I think Im..I'm bisexual ",his mom slaps him, "how can you sit there an lie to me for these last few weeks! ",Brandon has tears in his eyes,I quickly walk to him and Michael runs in, he looks at Brandon then Evelyn and Ryan, "Please leave",he said looking at her, "gladly I hope he rots in hell gays go to hell and my son is not going to hell! ",she said pulling Ryan with her,"Get the fuck out! ",Michael said getting red with anger, how dare come in my house and say some shit like that I should've done this a long time ago, I said giving Brandon to Michael and snatching Evelyn by her arm, move Ryan, he quickly moved as I punched he in the bridge of her nose then kicked her she cried in pain then stood up and pushed me choking Me a bit, Michael pulls her off of me, "get the fuck out!!! ",he said helping me up,she drags Ryan with her, "I'm sorry Dylan I do like you my feelings are real!",Ryan yelled as they reached the front door, Brandon just hugs me, "mom I'm sorry I don't want to go to hell ",I rub his face, you are not going to hell baby you are not, "Brandon God loves you don't listen to that now go take a shower and put your brother and sister to bed", he nods and walks out ,Michael looks at me picking me up bridal style taking me to the kitchen, Michael I'm OK just a little headche, "Marilyn you are bleeding on your temple ",he said walking to the freezer getting an ice pack, Michael he said going with Brandon was a dare,Michael hands me the ice pack and looks at me, Michael?, "I'm going to get some fresh air ",Michael?... Michael!, he just walks out, I hop down and followed him, Michael!, "Marilyn please! leave me alone right now! ",I quickly walk to him taking the keys just as he was about to get them, Michael what the hell has gotten in to you baby talk to me, he gives me a cold stare, "that bitch comes in our home and tell's our son he is going to hell for being himself!! ",I walk a little closer, baby I know but violence isn't going to help, "give me the keys ",he said lowly, Michael no just come to bed with me, "I don't want sex! I'm gonna beat her ass! ",I look at him hurt, what! that's all I am that's all I mean! sex!  and when did you start hitting women and when did you start referring a woman as a bitch is that what I'll be when I make you mad huh!? you know what here go beat her and end up in jail Im sure as hell will not bail you out!, I said throwing the key's at him, he catched them and leans to kiss me but I look away, then he sighed and walked out...
....To Be Continued...

-Marilyn. E

A Million Way's To Love You™(Moon And Back)↭Sequel♡ Book 2✔️Where stories live. Discover now