Chapter 10

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Sorry I didn't post earlier really sorry and thank you for 1k
The search for Naruto has become so long that it's been months, no one had been able to find Naruto the only place that they haven't searched was Death Valley for no one could go through Death Valley without Uchiha blood. In desperation lady hokage had sent out the order to capture Sasuke, they needed him to help them go through Death Valley they had tried using Kakashi for he had sharingan eyes but even though he had sharingan eyes he was unable to go through Death Valley he was still in hospital from trying , even lady tusnade had been out searching for Naruto .

One day one she was looking for Naruto she saw someone she wasn't expecting :Sasuke, Sasuke was holding a small blonde boy the had cut on knees and elbows like had been training but he was smiling and so was Sasuke there were heading into Death Valley as soon as she was unable to see the two people she ordered everyone to return to the village Sasuke was in Death Valley so they needed a plan to capture Sasuke.

When they all reached the village they called all the crucial people to go to Hokage tower to decide how to get Sasuke out of Death Valley.

With Sasuke

' Maimo hasn't been sleeping well, he was waking up in the middle of the night because of nightmares' thought Sasuke. There had just finished they're training, Maimo had fallen asleep because it was getting late the sun was setting he picked Maimo up and whet home. He loved Maimo so much the day he found Maimo must have been fate if Maimo left him he'd go mad.


Thank you for reading!!!!! and thanks you for 50k reads !!!! for more the like, comment, and vote thanks, bye, cheerio !!!!!!

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