TAGGED 【18】+imp. message

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Tagged by -bloodtae , sorry for doing this tag so late (T_T) I totally forgot about it....you know how forgetful I am *sighs*

So I got tagged to do the handwriting tag ^^ I didn't know what to write so I just wrote an important message from me to you guys... please don't cry while reading this.

 please don't cry while reading this

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So in case you guys can't read it,

I know I tell you guys to be strong and stuff but to be honest, I'm a total crybaby myself and naief as hell.
Some of you guys have already talked to me about their struggles and things they've been through. Even tho I've never been through these things myself, for some reason I can relate to them. I just want you guys to know that whatever it is, something positive or negative, that I'm here for you.
I don't want anyone to suffer.
I invest so much emotional energy in other people and not any to myself but I don't mind.
My zodiac sign is a Cancer and it's told that they're good listeners, but they keep their own feelings to themselves. Wich I can totally relate to.
I admit that I attach to people, especially my readers, very easily.
Please take good care of yourselves, and if you think that there's no one in this world who cares for you, there's still me.
But in the end, a rainbow can't appear without a bit of rain right?
- Huyanyan

So... that was very long. But that doesn't matter cuz I think that it's an important message. Especially now school has started and I can't be on wattpad as much as normally but I'm doing my best :)

A/N) Stay real, I don't like fake people...

♥♥♥ Huyanyan

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