TAG 【41】

369 17 22

TAGGED BY hyukistrbl TYSM!!

1. What are the five first songs when you press 'shuffle'?

- HIGH4 20 - Hookga

- sf9 - easy love

- bts - blood sweat and tears

- got7 - mayday

- Kris Wu - July

2. Ever done something illegal?
I don't have the courage for that..Or maybe? I one broke into school with a friend to get my homework :")) Idk if that's illegal lmao

3. When was your first kiss?
Does the cheek count? XD
My lips are still virgin.

4. Dogs or cats?
I love both but I'd do for dog since I have one myself♡

5. Coffee or tea?
Tea 😊 cuz I only drink Latte's with alotta milk xD

6. If you were trapped on a desert island, what book would you take with you?
I don't really read? Except for wattpad books of course :")

7. Religion?
None, I do believe in karma and stuff but I do not have any religion :)

8. Where are you from?
I'm Chinese but made in the Netherlands ;))

9. Favorite school subject?
It used to be English, but not anymore because of the worst teacher ever xD so it's Dutch now 😂

10. Music taste?
Really depends on my mood. I like a bit of everything even chinese traditional music lol

11. Favourite colour?

12. Latest favourite internet trend?
I have no idea :"))

13. Favourite sport?
... Badminton haha

14. Any siblings?
2 younger sisters and a little brother. Our ages are pretty close to eachother so it isn't much of a burden.... Most of the times xD

Tysm for this tag ♡ I'm tagging...The first 11 people who see this :)

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